Short Love Poem

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I fell for a married man, too. I do not know how it happened, but my story is very complicated. I am in a relationship with a man for almost 12 years, but I am not happy. He is older than me,...

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I Want To...

© more by Michaela Tatualla

Published by Family Friend Poems November 2009 with permission of the Author.

I want to kiss your red lips
I want to touch your rosy cheeks
I want to hear your lovely voice
Although it can make a loud noise

I will forget all my sorrow
Just to be with you tomorrow
Thinking you're always beside me
Hoping that you'll never leave me


more by Michaela Tatualla

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  • Rating 4.07
Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Zel by Zel
  • 7 years ago

I fell for a married man, too. I do not know how it happened, but my story is very complicated. I am in a relationship with a man for almost 12 years, but I am not happy. He is older than me, a lot older. He’s in his 60s and I am 30. And the guy I am falling for is 49 and a Muslim. He is a very sweet person, and we see each other every day, but he is married. He lives with his wife and son, but he told me he’s not happy in his marriage. He can’t leave now because his son goes to college, and if he leaves now who will take care of his son and pay for his college? He does not work right now but is looking for work. Maybe he will have a life with me. I don’t know if I’m wasting my time, but I love him so much. He knows I’m in a relationship, and he knows my boyfriend; they are friends. I know he’s married and has a son, but our partners don’t know we are involved with each other.

  • Rachel by Rachel, Texas
  • 9 years ago

I somehow fell in love with a married man, and all he did was look at me. There was no sexual contact and nothing physical. My heart drops when I see him. It becomes extremely hard to breath when he is around. When he hugs me my legs get weak and I can barely stand. It is amazing how just one look, or a simple smile can cause you to fall for someone so easily.

  • Pamela R. Holmes by Pamela R. Holmes, 307Beauregard st
  • 8 years ago

I also fell in love with a married man. It's been 2 years now and our love for each other is stronger than ever. We are very much in love and yes they are getting a divorced and then we plan to get married.

  • Robert Phillips by Robert Phillips, Ga
  • 9 years ago

I found the love of my life and after I read these poems I felt closer to my true love.

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