Hurting Poem by Teens

I Am An 11 Year Old Girl With Type 1 Diabetes

The reason I wrote this poem because it helps me let out a lot anger and sadness. Because I am an 11 year old girl with type 1 diabetes. Also my mom has sickle cell anemia and she smokes. And the sad about it is that she says that she wants to be in my life but always out with her friends and never home with me. I also wrote this because I feel that God put me on this earth to make fun of me. But when I think of it I know he put me on this earth for a reason.

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I love that now it gives me the courage to feel comfortable because God chose me for a reason. I'm also an 11 year old girl, and I'll be faithful and am blessed that I'm still on the Earth.

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Who Is She?


Published by Family Friend Poems March 2009 with permission of the Author.

she is lost
afraid of everything
she doesn't know where to go
left or right
up or down
she is trapped
nobody understands her
she is in a box
she is lost
how does she go on
she feels like her life is over
she tries to fit in
but she cannot
she wants to disappear to nowhere
she cannot talk to anyone
her life is upside down
where does she go
what does she do
why is her life like this
did chose her to be this way
why me lord
am I the one you want to live like this
am I the special one
did I do something wrong
do I belong on this earth
I am lost


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Jada by Jada
  • 7 years ago

I love that now it gives me the courage to feel comfortable because God chose me for a reason. I'm also an 11 year old girl, and I'll be faithful and am blessed that I'm still on the Earth.

  • Lauren~ by Lauren~, L.A California
  • 14 years ago

Sweety I know how you feel. I have type one diabetes as well and I'm almost 15. I found out on my 8th birthday and I was so confused with God that I didn't know what to do. I went through an emo stage and began to cut myself. even though it eased my pain of life, it made me even more self-cautious about my looks, my actions, and my trust. I lost so many friends because of this. Don't worry though. God DID put you on this earth for a reason and even though you may have no clue why God chose you, You have to keep living no matter what. God lets Satan throw all these obstacles and troubles in your way as a test to see if you have enough faith in God to keep going and live out what God has put you here on earth for.

don't worry(:

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