New Year's Poem

Poem About A New Year For Our Country

Hi, I am 62 and married 40 years. We have two children who are grown. I love writing, gardening, traveling, sports, dancing, reading, volunteering, animals, and family and friends.

I am sad about the racism in our country and how people treat each other, and I am worried for the state of our country and where it is headed.

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The poem expresses the values all good people practice in their day to day lives. As a teacher, I would like to read it in my class and have a discussion on the finer feelings and sentiments...

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Holiday Reflections


Published by Family Friend Poems November 2010 with permission of the Author.

Thanksgiving comes but once a year.
It's a time when families gather near
To reflect and give thanks for those we hold dear.
We celebrate Christmas with parties and food,
Spend time with family and everyone's in a good mood.
Soon it's all over, and decorations are put away,
And then we do it all again for the next holiday.
Look forward to the New Year and keep hope alive
That our country brings our troops home
So no one else dies.
Have faith things will get better,
Pray to God above
That He will bless us and keep us
In His everlasting love.
Our country's in turmoil, and it gives me a chill.
We'll see better times soon.....I know we will.
Try not to let worry get you down.
Smile, keep your chin up,
And laugh out loud.
We'll certainly survive hard times once more
Because we have great strength and resolve
We didn't know we had before.
Take one day at a time, and treasure each day.
We need to work together because that's the best way.
Don't let hate determine how you act.
Instead, open up your heart and don't attack.
Make sure our country is the best it can be
Let's all work and me!
Please, end the hatred towards our fellow man.
We'll all feel better if we're holding hands!


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Susan A. Warnock by Susan A. Warnock
  • 8 years ago

I think this poem is really beautiful and full of hope. Thank you, and may God bless. Susan

  • Babu Kirubanithi by Babu Kirubanithi
  • 8 years ago

The poem expresses the values all good people practice in their day to day lives. As a teacher, I would like to read it in my class and have a discussion on the finer feelings and sentiments one should cherish. Poems such as the one by Murdoch lend meaning to our reading.
Babu Kirubanithi.

  • Ruth Feinstein by Ruth Feinstein
  • 8 years ago

What beautiful, hopeful thoughts for this holiday season and afterwards. I agree and appreciate this positive and lovely poem.

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