She felt the warmth
Of his gentle hand
press deep between her thighs
Trust betrayed
Innocence lost
love was his disguise
He held her close,
His voice so soft
His tempting, careful praise,
Promises, promptings, guidance
So He could have his ways.
Ignoring her naivity
blind to her trusting eyes
devouring her virginity
with his selfish threats and lies.
the deed now done
momentarily he is satisfied
until his appetite
hungers again
for what her little body can supply.
Filled with confusion
torment and undeserved shame
Her child hood stolen
by a treacherous
soul-sucking game
Surviving unworthiness worthily
forever her life is changed.
His secret is well-hidden
behind his kind and honest face
And his charitable, Christian heart
No one suspects
the child molesting part.
Invisible bars imprison
her soul to agonizing
denial and pain
his unforgivable sin
kept alive again and again
revived by her memory
so it never ends
Forever she participates
Always he will win.
I can relate I was molested by my uncle. No one beloved me though. I am alone to this day. Some advice stay strong and know who your friends are.
His Hand
Published by Family Friend Poems November 2008 with permission of the Author.