Depression Poem by Teens

Dealing With Depression On Your Own

I started feeling depressed when I was 8 years old. At first I didn't know why I felt so down all the time, but as I grew up I started to realize that it wasn't normal. So I decided to hide my depression and promised myself that I would always keep smiling, no matter what. As I grew older, that promise became harder and harder to keep. I am now 13 years old and still dealing with depression. I wrote this poem originally when I was 10 and found it recently, so I edited it and decided to put it up here.

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Heart touching poem. I've suffered from severe depression since I was 12. I am 15 now, and I understand how it feels. It might be different as well. Most presume males don't go through this,...

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Happy Girl


Published by Family Friend Poems June 2017 with permission of the Author.

When you look at me,
What do you see?
Do you glimpse a happy girl,
Or do you see the real me?

Most people see the happy girl
Who laughs at everything,
Whose smile will never falter
And has everything life could give.

But if you look closer,
You'll see the real me,
The girl who cries in corners
And has forgotten how to feel.

This girl has fought a war,
A war against herself.
This girl is a murderer;
She killed her former self.

This girl is drowning,
Suffocating in her thoughts.
Her eyes hold a silent plea,
A plea that no one sees.

For everyone is distracted,
Distracted by the happy girl,
The girl who always smiles.
Even when she cries for help,
They never see her tears.

Please look past the happy girl.
Reach out,
Take off her mask,
And if you do,
Wipe her tears
And take the blade out of her grasp.


  • Stories 2
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  • Rating 4.60
Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Jester by Jester
  • 4 years ago

I hurt. Constantly. I am grateful for you, you are an artist, Thank you... I have attempted once. I will never do it again

  • Dominic C. Ellam by Dominic C. Ellam
  • 7 years ago

Heart touching poem. I've suffered from severe depression since I was 12. I am 15 now, and I understand how it feels. It might be different as well. Most presume males don't go through this, but we do. The poem caused a flood of tears. Very good poem and very emotional.

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