Earth Poem

Create Beautiful Memories With Nature Poem

Sometimes appreciation can only be made through experience. For me, my family didn't have a lot, but many of the memories made involved nature and the great outdoors. I guess that's what got me into preservation....the happiness it just keeps on giving.

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Sylvia, this is a beautifully written poem and brings back many happy memories of my childhood. I also liked reading your bio and looking at your lovely photo. Best wishes, Ann D Stevenson

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Handing Down Memories

Sylvia Stults © more by Sylvia Stults

Published by Family Friend Poems September 14, 2023 with permission of the Author.

Yesterday morning I opened my hands
I thought with a smile the places they've been
Building sand castles and catching fireflies
Nature was best, that's where happiness lies

Picking up seashells, or gathering stones
Flat ones were best for skipping when thrown
The pond would then ripple as countdown began
Four, five...Ya, I beat you again

Grabbing a rope that swings from a tree
Landing with a splash, letting go, count of three
Holding a stick for a marshmallow roast
Or filling pie irons, the crust made of toast

The lesson I learned was put down your phone
Create the memories your hands have shone
Appreciation will be felt for all of earth's lands
As your child grows older, looking down at their hands



Hello my name is Sylvia. I presently work in the healthcare field. I love to paint with oils and often wished I studied art as well. I love poetry of all kinds and someday hope to pick up on the different styles. I'm trying, but until I do...I'll follow the words of my mother, who passed when I was a young girl, "Just say...

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Sylvia, I was very moved by your kind comments, especially about my poem 'I Love To Breathe In' which has failed to win hardly any votes since it was published - in fact I was thinking of asking to have it deleted from the site. I'm afraid I haven't submitted any poems recently, as I was coping with my husband's terminal illness and now I'm coping with the grief of losing him. However, I do get enormous pleasure from the poems of others, like yours. Very best wishes, Ann

Sylvia, this is a beautifully written poem and brings back many happy memories of my childhood. I also liked reading your bio and looking at your lovely photo. Best wishes, Ann D Stevenson

Ann, It's a pleasure to meet you and I'm glad you enjoyed my poem. I too viewed your bio and works. Your poem "A Touch Of Heaven" and "I Love To Breath In" are so very relatable, not to mention beautifully written. I look forward to reading more of your poetry and now that winter is coming I'll have plenty of time. Best regards, Sylvia

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