Loss of a Friend Poem

Rest In Peace

This poem is about my best friend and brother Allen Glodo that died on August 1st. Ever since then, everything with me has gone to hell and I made this for him a while ago, I just didn't have the time to put it up. May Allen rest in peace! :'(

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Omg this really really touched me... I kind of know how you feel my cousin who has lived with me for years had died from a car crash while he was texting me because as a regular student who...

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Goodbye Allen


Published by Family Friend Poems February 2009 with permission of the Author.

Everyday I stare at your picture,
the vivid look on your smiling face,
tears fall on that picture,
as I sit there, tears falling on my tear stained cheeks.

you died at such a young age,
why did it have to happen to you,
you were my best friend, my brother,
and I never get to see you again.

it was a horrible accident,
that car taking you away from me,
that feeling in my heart knowing,
just knowing that you were drifting away from me.

When I heard you died,
my heart broke in two,
I couldn't breathe,
my body was shutting down.

That day I saw you,
your body was cold, your face white,
as white as a ghost.
I held back on the tears, till the ceremony began.

When I went to that podium with your fiancée,
the tears were in her eyes as I held her hand,
tears falling fast on my cheeks,
faster than a waterfall in the forests.

I sat down when she was done,
I couldn't say anything,
I buried my face in my hands and sobbed,
the last words in my heart said, "goodbye Allen"


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Summer by Summer
  • 14 years ago

Omg this really really touched me... I kind of know how you feel my cousin who has lived with me for years had died from a car crash while he was texting me because as a regular student who does not like staying in school I had asked me to come pick me up and he was texting me why? And he got hit I saw his phone later on that day when we all went 2 visit him an there was my message and him asking why before he sent it off to me and the glass on his iphone was broken
Till this day I feel as if I took away his life and I am in therapy because I have tried to kill myself several times

Listen take your brother picture go into your room hug his picture kiss it as if you wear kissing him for the last time and say not goodbye but I love you and I'll see you later and see how good you feel

  • Aime by Aime
  • 14 years ago

This story really mad me cry!,
my bubba died march 3,2010.
it been tough.
this is such my story!
my brother was 27.
he got hit by a drunk driver.
I was at school I was told by my 5th hour teacher.
it was horrible! When I went to funeral
I had made a poem the words were slurred because I couldn't speak.
it was horrible.
but I can only imagine the pain you went through because mine was very deep. I'm very sorry and I wish you the best of happiness I don't know you but darling thank you. This poem touched me deeply.
love always Aime,

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