Faith Poem

Believing In Miracles

For my beautiful, brave, and loving sister, Janah. My sister suffers from stage 4 Ovarian Cancer. This is for her. I love her more than words could ever say.

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God Is Everywhere

Kathy J. Parenteau © more by Kathy J. Parenteau

Published by Family Friend Poems March 2021 with permission of the Author.

What are miracles, from where do they
How do we trust what we can't see
or touch?
To let go of fear when all's said and
and believe God loves us so much.

It's a question we've all had from
time to time.
We can't touch the wind but
it's there.
When things go unplanned and out faith's
hard to find,
angels fill the air.

I thought of a snowflake, no two the
mountains that kiss the sun,
galaxies far reaching infinite
all of the work God has done.

No mortal being could create
such wonders.
Only he and he alone.
Even the stars and roaring
that are part of our earthly home.

He made them all, including our souls
he knows our every prayer,
so don't question miracles,
just trust and believe God is everywhere!



I am from a family of writers. My grandfather was a published poet. He taught me to write as a young girl. He opened up the world of poetry to me. What a sweet release it is to take those thoughts from the secret part of your soul and put them in verse. My hope is that my poems inspire others and reach them in a very special way.

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