Valentine's Day Poem to Him

I had given up on love because I kept getting hurt over and over by the guys I dated. The guy I wrote this poem for pursued me for a long time, but I figured he was like the rest, so I kept blowing him off even though I was attracted to him. One day I finally decided to give him a chance, so we talked and got to know each other. Now I wish I hadn't pushed him away for so long. He has turned out to be the greatest guy a girl could ask for.

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I was devastated after a 20-year marriage ended badly. I later tried a dating website looking for a "buddy" to go do things with - no love on my mind! When I met this man I was instantly...

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Glad I Met You


Published by Family Friend Poems February 2011 with permission of the Author.

At first I wasn't looking for love.
I wanted no one in my life,
for I had totally given up.
All I wanted was to hide.

But for just a moment
I gave you a chance.
I let my guard down,
One last try at romance.

I never imagined that I
would find all this and more.
The best friend and lover
that one could ever hope for.

A friend I can count on,
to listen and understand.
A lover for me to hold
who is truly a good man.

I love when you smile
and all the things you do,
so I want you to know that
you're my dream come true.

I know in my heart now
that no one else will do.
Happy Valentine's Day, Baby!
I'm so glad that I met you.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Brenda R. Heltsley by Brenda R. Heltsley
  • 2 years ago

I lost my soulmate 2 1/2 years ago. Your poem is word for word about how I felt as first. Then I was feeling some old feelings that I had felt before, and before I knew it, I was falling for him. Well, you know the rest. You put my feelings and words down on paper. Thank you!

  • Lin Gorsuch by Lin Gorsuch
  • 6 years ago

I was devastated after a 20-year marriage ended badly. I later tried a dating website looking for a "buddy" to go do things with - no love on my mind! When I met this man I was instantly turned to jelly. We are both in our 70's and thought love life and true friendship were over. We fell so hard and so fast it was scary. We have been married now for two years and they have been the best years of my life and he tells me he feels the very same way. We both have been through a lot - but I believe we saved each other without even intending that to happen. I'm blessed and so happy it is hard to describe. This poem said it EXACTLY the way I feel! Thank you for being so able to express your innermost feelings. I'm not a poet, so you said it all for me.

  • Jan Hendriks by Jan Hendriks
  • 10 months ago

Exactly my own words. After 28 years. Not an easy decision , it took 4 years and then I met her. 23 years together now. A different world, I did not know it existed. Thank you for your story.

  • Donnita by Donnita
  • 7 years ago

WOW, this poem is me. It's like I wrote it. I had a really bad relationship in 2001 where I was left 6 months pregnant and with a 4 year old son. I had to give my daughter up for adoption as I was now a single mom. That was it for me. I wanted nothing to do with men. I was so against them. All I did was work and sleep. Then 3 years later, my friend asked me to join her for drinks...the best yes I have ever said. I met a colleague she worked with. He was so sweet. My knees went to jelly when he kissed me on my hand. We chatted. I was so scared to be too friendly, as not to give him the wrong idea. A week later he called me and asked me out for drinks. I said yes. That was October 2004. Fourteen years later, we are still together and so in love. He is 19 years older than me and treats me like a queen. Love bites you when are not looking and when you have given up on it. I gave up on love because I was so hurt. I found love because I took a chance.

  • Lauryn Esha M. Riley by Lauryn Esha M. Riley
  • 6 years ago

That is so wonderful! I'm so happy for you but also kind of sad. Did you ever get your daughter back or know where she is now?

  • Tasnim by Tasnim
  • 8 years ago

I met him in 2014. We were just like the others colleagues of the office. We both really didn't realize when we fell in love. But as you guys have heard, roses always come with the thorns. Same thing happened with us. He is married, but we haven't stop liking each other. That love has been turned to a good friendship as we understand we don't have any future together. We always try to make each other laugh. We used to treat each other as a good buddy who used to share their problems with each other. Sometimes we regret that we met so late, but what we can do if it was the only destiny? I truly believe love doesn't mean to always be with someone. But it means understanding, sharing, and solving the problem. We understand each other's situation, but we never try to cross the limit. We never want to hurt anyone. We truly respect each other. That's why we love each other and are going to love forever.

  • Sonakshi by Sonakshi
  • 8 years ago

Hi Tasnim, congratulations for experiencing this beautiful feeling. The same thing happened with me also. I met him just 2 months before. Actually, we belong to same cast. He is also married, and we both also know that we can't be together and just like you we also regret that why we met so late, but it's our destiny. We also can't stop loving each other. We also try to share our feelings, emotions, happiness, problems with each other and try to help each other. We never cross our limits and will never will. He's so understanding, mature, sincere and very simple. I'm very grateful and proud that I love him. We just pray to God to be with each other.

  • Ashley M by Ashley M
  • 9 years ago

I know how it feels to give up on love. I was hurt a lot in my past relationships but then I met my current boyfriend who makes me so happy. It is so easy to be with him and I can share my deepest feelings with him. I love how we can tell each other things that we have never told anybody else before and how he holds me like he never wants to let me go and I feel so safe whenever I am with him and I love how different he is from any other guys that I have dated or known. I know in my heart that he is the one for me no one else. we have been together for 4 months.

  • Esme by Esme, Texas
  • 9 years ago

This poem is amazing. It is what happened with my fiancé. We met almost 3 years ago but I was dating someone else at the time. He treated me good and made me happy but I didn't see him as a boyfriend. It was after a heartbreak that I decided he deserved a chance and when I opened my heart to him I just fell in love. And now we are happily engaged.

  • Slame by Slame
  • 10 years ago

When I first saw my true love I fell in love with him. He is so sweet he bought me two rings that meant so much too me that I want to cry.

  • Viviana Alcala by Viviana Alcala
  • 11 years ago

When I first read this poem. I started to cry I couldn't believe it. This was me. I wasn't looking for love. I wanted no one in my life, I had given up too. Am glad I gave myself another chance in romance. I found my best friend and lover. You are everything to me. Thank You I love You there's no doubt in my heart it's love.

  • Antigua&Barbuda by Antigua&Barbuda
  • 12 years ago

This poem is so wonderful. I cried when I read it. It is so sensitive.

  • Vicki Preston by Vicki Preston
  • 13 years ago

Wow I came across this poem and sat and read it and it totally explains what happened when I met the man I'm with now, who is now my fiance, all the words in that made so much sense, it's such a beautiful poem.

  • Christina by Christina
  • 14 years ago

This poem really touched me everything about it totally relates to me.. before I met my boyfriend I wanted to completely give up and this poem just explains everything I went through. Now I found the love of my life and I cannot explain how much I truly love him. This poem just really sums it up for me.

  • Yashna by Yashna, Mauritius
  • 14 years ago

My story is also same. Every time I got hurt in love. The one whom I loved the most could not understand my feelings for him. I gave up but now I do not regret to have my boyfriend. He loves me more than I love him. I am really very happy with him.

  • Cristal by Cristal, Chicago
  • 14 years ago

This is so me, loved it.
I had my heart broken soo many times that I gave up & instead of just being single I started playing guys for all they had then laugh at them. But then one day out of no where came this guy which I hated at 1st but then . . . Well, let me put it this way, we are still together and don't regret meeting him.

  • Quita by Quita, Md
  • 14 years ago

This poem is me from beginning to end. After I gave up, I met my fiancée who I didn't know was pursuing me two years ago. LOVE IT!

  • Ashley by Ashley, Ohio
  • 14 years ago

it actually helped me and my boyfriend get along a better and show our feelings for each other and get stronger thoughts and it actually made me feel warm and fuzzy inside because that is how I feel about my boyfriend...

  • Ambi by Ambi, New York
  • 14 years ago

I had this same thing happen to me too, now I'm with the love of my life and it couldn't get any better love my boyfriend forever and always

  • Hannah Cooper by Hannah Cooper
  • 14 years ago

Wow, I can completely relate to this!
I about 3 months ago I just gave up, then I also "let my guard down" and my I found something to live for now. [:

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