Aging Poem

Dementia Is An Evil Disease

My dad has dementia. He had a fall and went to hospital, but it was too hard to bring him home. He was admitted in a dementia care home. He is not settled there, and he has become aggressive and disruptive and just too much for family to cope with anymore. It's so very sad. If he realised what he was doing, he would be mortified. Dementia is such a terrible disease. I hope this poem will give the reader some insight into the world of dementia suffered by the loved ones it affects.

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Get Me Outta Here

Carol A. Andrews © more by Carol A. Andrews

Published by Family Friend Poems September 2021 with permission of the Author.

Locked in this place
I want to go home
Surrounded with people
But I am all alone
How did I get here?
What have I done?

Oh. Hello there stranger
What is your name?
Ah! I have a sister
Her name's the same
But I never see her these days
Such a shame.

Locked in this place
Losing my mind
Sentenced for life
I committed no crime
Brought nothing with me
But everything's mine.

Oh. Hello there stranger
What is your name?
Ah! I have a sister
Her name's the same
But I never see her these days
Such a shame.

Why are you angry?
Is it something I said?
I just asked a question
That popped in my head
But you're looking at me
Like you wished I was dead.

Oh. Hello there stranger
What is your name?
Ah! I have a sister
Her name's the same
But I never see her these days
Such a shame.

Who are these creatures
Patrolling my day
Are they prison wardens
With nothing to say
I just want a taxi
And to be on my way.

Oh, they brought your dinner
Now eat up your food
So I'll leave you to it
Don't want to be rude
You talk with your family
I don't wish to intrude.

Did you bring me some matches
Did you get me a pen
Do you have any paper
I have a good plan
Do you have a car?
Who is that man?

Get all these people
Out of my face
I didn't invite them
This is MY place
They're stealing my things
It's a disgrace.

Everything's mine
I bought it you see
Now let me out
Where is the key?
Or I'll bash out your brains
So don't mess with me.

Well, you can't tie me up
That's illegal restraint
So you turn now to drugs
To dumb down my complaint
Try to turn this old devil
Into a saint

So plied now with drugs
You say that you hope
This now will help me
So you ply me with dope
And try to subdue me
With chemical rope.

I know why you do it
It is best for your purse
It's cheaper this way
Than employing a nurse
But d'you know what you're doing?



I love reading other people’s poems especially when I feel connected with the writer. It is really good to see young people enjoying poetry. There would be less madness in this world if more people could express how they feel in a safe place. This looks like a safe place to me after having read some poetry submissions and comments.
I’m 68 and...

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