Current Events Poem

I Remember 9/11

I was not born during 9/11, but my parents would tell me memories of that day. The family we lost. The friends who were killed. The heroes that gave their lives. I am now 13 years old. I dedicate this to Lawrence Patrick Dickinson, a man who died in the Twin Towers. His son was born 3 months later on HIS birthday and was named after him. He is a man who will always be remembered.

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Analysis of Form and Technique

Forever Remember


Published by Family Friend Poems September 2018 with permission of the Author.

I remember
Planes flying low
Smoke from the towers
Cries from the injured
Calls for help
People running
Sobs from witnesses
Heroes running in the towers
Faces we will never see again
I remember
The towers falling
Smoke filling the air
People running for safety
Screams of terror
I remember
The quiet
People in the streets
Heroes walking around the rubble
Whispers in the streets
I remember
Victims not forgotten
Heroes not forgotten
Sacrifices not forgotten
Memories not forgotten
I remember 9/11


Analysis of Form and Technique

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Techniques this poem uses:

  • This poem is an example of a free verse poem that does not follow a specific rhyme scheme.
    Read more about free verse poems
  • The short lines of this poem create an abruptness that could be compared to the panic and chaos of September 11th.
  • The repetition of “I remember” and "not forgotten" brings attention to the memories of this day and that the people will always be remembered.
    Read more about repetition

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