Depression Poem by Teens

Poem About Struggling With An Eating Disorder

I have come up with this poem as I am in eating disorder recovery. This has given me the experience, and I really just needed to get my feeling out onto the page. But don't let that fool you; I also put a lot of work into it! Also, this was originally meant to be a read out lot poem.

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The Truth


Published by Family Friend Poems November 2013 with permission of the Author.

Slippery, sweet, syrupy words sticking in my brain
A lie
They won't go away no matter how much I try to send them back to where they came from
A lie
It's so hard to abstain from the succulent fruit of life
A lie
A black force telling me food was my enemy and they were my friend
A lie
They say that the home is where the heart is
A lie
But home for you it's where the torture continues
A lie
You're are worth nothing and the only way to prove yourself is to shrink and let the space around you grow
A lie
Until the space around you envelops you in its clear, perfect arms
A lie
But when society tells you you're nothing but wrong in those skinny, shiny books
A lie
Stick arms reach for sustenance the manipulator does not want
A lie
Extreme measures in which a "diet trick" went wrong
A lie
All this young girl wanted to do was belong
A lie
Trapped by her twenty four bared cage guarding a twisted, mangled heart
A lie
The slippery, sweet, syrupy voice tells her it's the only way
A lie
Two fingers are the best weapon and to use it always
A lie
Black, everything's black till you're put in the white tiled hallway
A lie
Because everything is a lie
A lie was how it started
A lie is how it continued
The truth is how it ended


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