Regret Poem

Healing Through Writing

When people I have loved in my life die, I am often left with a deep feeling of regret and wishing that I had done and said things differently. If I follow what this poem says, it seems to really help me.

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I lost my daughter my first born child just 10 days ago. To an addiction she tried so long to fight she hated what it did to her, in the end the demon prevailed and she died from an overdose....

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When Time Runs Out


Published by Family Friend Poems June 2011 with permission of the Author.

When time runs out and your heart needs to say so much more
But the heart that should hear it is gone now forever
And you are left with a raw nagging sore,

Then reach for your paper, your pen, and your candle
And write though your heart it would burst.
No fears now restrain you, no judgment, no mock.
Write of your best, of your worst.

When your soul is then drained of its deepest regret
Then hold your true paper to the candle's clear flame.
That thought-laden smoke might reach to that heart
And ashes, a symbol of love, yet remain.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Anna Brewer by Anna Brewer
  • 12 years ago

I lost my daughter my first born child just 10 days ago. To an addiction she tried so long to fight she hated what it did to her, in the end the demon prevailed and she died from an overdose. Nothing feels or seems the same now and I don't think it ever will. She held a special place in my heart that will never be filled. I can only hope that now she's at peace with no more demons to haunt her daily and in her sleep. She had a heart of gold and gave what she could to many, even if it was her last she'd share and do with out. She always said someday she may need help and to give what she could was just the right thing to do. I know the world was such a better and more beautiful place with her in it for there's just not enough compassionate people in here these days. They say the pain will ease but I don't think so because I cannot see, touch, smell or hear her ever again. I only have my memories to keep her alive and her two little children and through them she'll always thrive.

  • Amy Howard White by Amy Howard White
  • 13 years ago

I can really relate to this poem! The love of my life had a seizure while driving & was killed instantly in a 1 vehicle wreck on February 11, 2011. I wrote him a letter the next day of all my feeling & my pain & 1 week after the accident I went to a special place of ours & set the letter on fire for the wind to carry to Heaven. Thank you so much for this poem it means a lot!

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