Loss of a Friend Poem

Friend's Wishes On How To Be Remembered

This poem is about the request my friend had about her death. I took the things she stated that she wanted and wrote this poem.

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Do Not Cry

Priscilla May © more by Priscilla May

Published by Family Friend Poems August 2016 with permission of the Author.

When I leave this world, please do not cry,
For I have gone up with the spirits in the sky.
Do not place flowers by my side,
For I never got them when I was alive.

Do not dress in fancy clothes;
Dress as you would if I were at home.
Play the songs I have requested,
For this is what I have always wanted.

Do not say how great I was;
Keep those memories between us.
Instead, celebrate the times we have had;
Remember the good, forget the bad.

This is my only final request:
That you do not cry when I am laid to rest.
Remember that my spirit will be with you.
I am still going to be there to see you through.

One last time, do not cry.
Celebrate my memories and life.
Keep my memories in your heart,
For we will never be far apart.


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