Death Poem by Teens

Death Of Cousin Poem

Loss, for me is the hardest thing to deal with. Worse than any physical or emotional pain, because eventually you can heal. Loss is something you can never get back. Last summer I lost my 12 year old cousin in a horrible car accident. Since then I have never felt the same.

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This is so close to what happened in my life. 15 vs 13, but so much the same. This was nicely put into words. My daughter lost her cousin. She did not survive a bad car accident. She was so...

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I Will Never Stop Missing You


Published by Family Friend Poems August 2011 with permission of the Author.

As the days go on,
I continue to cry.
Everything reminds me of you,
as I look upon the sky.

As if I would see you,
from way up there.
Wishing you would say something
as I quietly stare.

I do this a lot,
almost every day.
I look up, hoping to see
the face that has slipped away.

Today is your birthday,
would have been thirteen.
No one saw it coming;
death is unseen

I wonder what you would have wanted
as we blew out your candles.
As soon as the flames went out,
it was too much to handle.

You're not here
on your thirteenth birthday,
Each year I grow older,
but your age will always stay.

As the days go on,
I continue to cry for you.
I will never stop crying,
I will never stop missing you.


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  • Lorie by Lorie
  • 4 years ago

This is so close to what happened in my life. 15 vs 13, but so much the same. This was nicely put into words. My daughter lost her cousin. She did not survive a bad car accident. She was so loved by everyone, with her bright smile, very outgoing and friendly personality. They were with each other every day. They knew everything about each other. She was more like her sister than her cousin. I would see my daughter looking up to the sky a lot. My daughter was only 13 when everything happened. It changed her so much. I wish I had them both back!

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