Abuse Poem by Teens

I was raped when I was 15. It changed me to be a terrible person. Then I met my boyfriend who described me as having dead doll eyes because I lost my innocence. And that's when I started realizing what has become of me, and it made me change to a better person...but in time.

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That is so terrible Emma. Your mom should not go there to visit him. You are supposed to come first. Excuse me for saying this, but this isn't your fault, and your mom is wrong. She is...

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Dead Doll Eyes


Published by Family Friend Poems May 2010 with permission of the Author.

Dead doll eyes are something I have
because of the innocence I can never get back
I have something most girls lack
The ability to twist and turn my soul black

In this darkness deep within my eyes
Can you see the horror and lies
Can you see how I'm confined inside
To myself, all alone
Darkness to hate
Deep to the bone

In these dead doll eyes the light was taken
Yes, by surprise
The light is something I lack
Something I'm trying so hard just to get back

The light will never be as bright
Never like before
But something a little less than before
A simple shimmer and nothing more
Enough shimmer where you can see
The truth in me
Of what I used to be
Of what I can
And what I'm trying to be again

You know it's hard
Because of where I've been
What I've been through
But the shimmer is coming to
As these dead doll eyes are fading too

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Ohio by Ohio
  • 12 years ago

When I was young my 2 older sisters and my moms boyfriends son who was 6 or 7 forced my legs apart and he preformed oral sex on me... I still to this day don't know why or who taught them to do that? I have never never ever asked or mentioned it to them I was 4 or 5 then. I'm 22 now, and still can't forget...

  • New York by New York
  • 13 years ago

When I was 6 my brother was 10 I had met a bad friend and he told me about something called humping, being 6 I had no idea what this was so automatically I go home and ask my older brother. Instead of answering he asks if I want to do it I don't know why, but I said yes. We, I don't know we just started doing IT. We kept our clothes on and just ... At the time I didn't know what I was doing I just knew it felt good. We kept on doing it for a couple months after awhile I just had a feeling what we were doing was wrong apparently my brother had the same feeling so we stopped. I'm now 11. I've never told anyone this before.

  • Morgan by Morgan, California
  • 13 years ago

I was 17 when I was raped. It was by a boyfriend of many years and I finally realized enough was enough.

  • Kelsey by Kelsey, Tennessee
  • 13 years ago

I was 14. I thought I was in love with this boy who was 16, fixing to be 17. I thought we would be together forever but after 9 months, but boy was I wrong. We were hanging out watching a movie, when he climbed on top of me and wouldn't get off. I fought until finally I just gave up. I broke up with him the next week. He called and texted and randomly showed up at my house until we had to go get a restraining order against him! Then that's when it happened... I missed two periods. I had never planned on having sex so I didn't think that I would get pregnant (even though I didn't want to) the first time. Turns out, I was pregnant. Then a couple months later... I had a miscarriage. I still live with it everyday. It is the hardest thing I have ever had to go through, and I had to go thru it alone! Now he tells people all kinds of mean things about me, and the things that people say about me is awful! Please girls, don't ever get yourself in that situation! Never be alone with a guy.

  • Aimee Balfar by Aimee Balfar
  • 7 years ago

I was 12 and I was raped by a boy who I thought I loved, but I know not all guys are like that and to say `Never be alone with a guy' is a very unhealthy message to send to young girls. Please consider that even though you've had a terrible experience that most guys aren't like that and that guys get raped too.

  • Macey by Macey
  • 14 years ago

When I was 8, I was raped by my cousin, he was 13 or 14. I was really scared . I hadn't told anyone, except my mom. I told my mom not to push charges or anything because I didn't want drama, she said she would tell if he ever saw me or even looked at me, I feel like my life is ruined ! and it's all HIS fault!

  • Emma by Emma, Massachusets
  • 14 years ago

It happened for a long time, I don't know how long but a long time. My mom married a monster. while I was "sleeping" he would come into my room and touch me. I sent an email to my friend telling her everything. after they got a divorce (my mom still didn't know) my mom started going through my email. she found it but didn't confront me about it until a year later after we got into a giant fight. she asked me why I lied to my friend. I broke down crying and she took me to the police station. its been 4 months and he's been in jail for about 3. I haven't yet gone to court but I will soon to testify...it's the scariest thing. I would never wish it on even my worst enemy.

  • Jodi Igard by Jodi Igard
  • 6 years ago

That is so terrible Emma. Your mom should not go there to visit him. You are supposed to come first. Excuse me for saying this, but this isn't your fault, and your mom is wrong. She is betraying you. What kind of a mother is that? If I were you, I finish high school and move out of her so home. You deserve to be believed and protected. None of this is your fault. He is a child molester and she wants to be in denial about it. Hang in there, honey. You are a brave girl to tell someone. Try your best in life to do the best you can. Other people also love and care about you. You are not alone. He should stay in jail forever! And she should NOT ever talk to him again.

  • Shelby by Shelby, California
  • 14 years ago

I had just turned 14. He was 17 almost 18, I had a very big crush on him. He was my best friends brother. He was also my boyfriend. We partied a little bit to hard. I fell asleep on the couch, and my shorts were ripped off of me. You can imagine what happened next. I cried the whole time, and he wouldn't stop. When he did I laid there while everyone in the house was still sleeping. He broke up with me 2 days later. I didn't tell anyone about it, until 4 months later I had to tell my mom because I was pregnant. I didn't talk to him at all. I had my baby and I couldn't give him away. So I am now 16 with my 1 and a half year old baby boy while he lives his life. He is now getting married to someone. He will never have anything to do with my child. And he will have nothing to do with me ever again. I don't see his face in my son, he is innocent just like me.

  • Chelsey by Chelsey, Idaho
  • 14 years ago

I was raped when I was 14 by my moms boyfriend and I even told her that he raped me but she never believed me. Now that he is in jail she still blames me for lying to her and everyone so she goes and sees him every weekend.

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