Hurting Poem by Teens

I had a friend whom I had feelings for, but due to circumstances could never be with him. He had fallen in love with me, then began hating me for not showing any emotion back. he never knew how I Felt, and in the end it was my heart which was broken.

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Sometimes I wonder what I did to deserve a mom that doesn't seem to want me. Yeah we still hug and all but I don't think either of us mean it. I think we do it out of habit or at least I do ,...

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Published by Family Friend Poems March 2011 with permission of the Author.

Two people in pain,
But in two different kinds--
He cries for her;
But she's of a different mind.

He's the product of her pain,
In many different ways--
The one thing she wants
Is never to be blamed.

Circumstances happen,
And salt is added to his wound;
She cannot console him,
and feels their friendship will end soon.

So She sits back and watches,
And cries her silent tears for him--
On the outside she is cold
But inside she cries with him.

And later he will throw up to her,
The coldness she has shown
And she will sit as always,
afraid to be alone.


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  • Raven Smith by Raven Smith
  • 12 years ago

Sometimes I wonder what I did to deserve a mom that doesn't seem to want me. Yeah we still hug and all but I don't think either of us mean it. I think we do it out of habit or at least I do , it gives me a sense of normality. But no matter what I say I miss how easy it used to be between the two of us. And it doesn't help that I'm not an only child, no of course not I had to be the third oldest of seven. Once CPS even took us away and it was after that when it started to get rough between the two of us. After a couple of months in foster care I decided that I was going to be writer so I could write something that made everyone think of how small their petty drama is in the large scheme of life. I come from what most would call a rich family nowadays but every year on holidays and my birthdays I never get what I truly want.

  • Steve by Steve, Newark
  • 13 years ago

I am completely in love with a special girl and this poem describes it exactly

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