Falling in Love Poem

Painting Love With Words

This poem was written several years ago for a beautiful someone I had a crush on. I remember I was head-over-heels in love with her, or at least that was what I was thinking. I was so inspired and wanted to play with words to express what I felt. Her name's CHRISNA. And because I intended to publish this poem in our school newsletter, and also didn't want to be so obvious, I hid a code in the poem and hope maybe somehow she'll notice. The first letter of each stanza spells her name.

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Colours Of Romance

Randy Batiquin © more by Randy Batiquin

Published by Family Friend Poems September 2018 with permission of the Author.

Calm the winds as angels sing.
Lovers' tune and flowers bring
little buds caressed by dew
sending pretty thoughts of you.

Hearts entwined with heav'nly bliss
spell the most romantic kiss,
yearning for the sweetest place
nowhere less in your embrace.

Ringing bells of autumn air,
whispers of my love and care
set the mood, begin the dance
paint the colours of romance.

Inside out, your beauty shows.
Inside me, this feeling grows.
'Tis your hair, your voice, your smiles,
'tis your most angelic eyes.

Sparkling stars will soon reveal
shifting breeze that ever will
hold the sentimental light.
Let the love consume the night.

Nevermore will dreams expire.
Keep it burning, guard the fire.
Hold my hand and don't let go.
Feel my heart and you will know.

Amber-hued the sunset sails,
leaving dust of loving trails,
chanting words that say I do.
Princess, I'm in love with you.


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