ABC Poem

Night Terrors ABC Poem

I suffer from night terrors, so this is my ABC poem about them.

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Chaotic Places

© more by Britney

Published by Family Friend Poems December 2012 with permission of the Author.

After everything is said and done
Bad dreams and nightmares
Chased away by the coming dawn
Demons stashed into nightstand drawers
Everything the same routine
Fight to fall asleep
Get only maybe an our or two
Half way making it through both night and day
Instead of being awake and alert the next day
Just barely keep my eyes open
Keeping up with daily demands
Leaves me even more exhausted
Making sleep the next night even more impossible
Nightmares creeping back into me
Overly vivid dreams making me crazy
Pray that they go away soon
Quit messing with my head
Resting my eyes has turned to hell
Sleepless, sleepless nights
Tortured by what seems to be a plague
Unable to rid myself of them
Visiting chaotic places
While laying in my bed
Xanadu for me would be a peaceful sleep
Years without one is
Zero in 730 days.


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