Environment Poem

Poem On Effects And Folly Of Climate Change

According to the U.N., climate change, "is mainly cause by human activities, especially the burning of fossil fuels."
The poem is written with the expression "Beautiful day" being used in a sarcastic way to denote the ridiculousness of mankind's situation; except in the sixth stanza where it is expressed sincerely and astonishingly as a question resulting from observations in a mere dream... but then, the dream abruptly ends, with the person, once again, left to face reality.

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Beautiful Day?

My ObsE.R.vation © more by My ObsE.R.vation

Published by Family Friend Poems August 17, 2023 with permission of the Author.

Empty net being taken away,
hauled in upon the boat in the bay,
no fish left in the waters they say.
Beautiful day.

Harvest of trees in the forest today,
cut down, hacked away,
upon the truck they now lay,
then taken away.
Beautiful day.

Oil drilled from the ground full sway,
a thousand barrels filled today.
Hooray, big payday!
...One million liters burned away,
air quality low today.
Beautiful day.

Swirling clouds off the coast today,
Hurricane Fay.
Evacuate, leave town they say,
doom to all who choose to stay!
Beautiful day.

The fire is close, gaining ground they say,
Grab your bag, run away!
Smoke is thick can't find my way,
Oh God save me I do pray.
Beautiful day.

I went for a walk in the park today,
birds singing, squirrels at play,
the snowflakes fell, and on the pine trees lay,
peaceful, quiet getaway.
Everything now seems okay.
Beautiful day???

...Alert!!! Alert!!! phone does say,
waking me up as on my bed I lay.
"Evacuate, do not stay!"
It was only a dream to my dismay.
No time to think, must run away.
To save my life I must obey.
"Evacuate, do not stay!"
Back to reality.

Beautiful day...



I enjoy writing poetry and sharing my work with others.

I try to keep my poems positive and encouraging for the reader to gain some benefit from them.

I also enjoy writing humorous poems and short stories for children.

Please enjoy my submitted work.

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