Sickness Poem

As her mother lies sick, dying, her daughter come to realize more than ever the precious human being that will soon pass away.

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The poem about the dying mother, would apply to my grandmother, who was the only mother I ever really knew. I called her momma, when one day she asked me why I didn't call her grandma. I was...

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An Angel To Be


Published by Family Friend Poems April 2006 with permission of the Author.

My whole life has been like a maze,
There may have been a dead end where
I turned.
But every time I got too close to that
You'd help me from getting burned.
I think I took you for granted,
And now God has told you soon you have
to leave.
I told you I would change,
You don't know who to believe.
But my life is like a trampoline,
I reach a high point and then I fall.
It goes really really well,
And then comes the brick wall.
But I will give you something to be
proud of,
When you're watching from above.
All I have right now,
Is lots of care and lots of love.
I may have said, I hate you,
I didn't mean a word.
But you never believed me,
Only what you heard.
You pushed me away when I needed you most,
And that hurt me so bad.
I felt as if you didn't want me around,
It made me so sad.
Not seeing you now,
Is hard enough.
But knowing soon you'll be gone,
Mom it's really tough.
But I understand why,
God made it happen this way.
You're one of his beautiful angels,
He wants back one day.
He sent you here,
To light up this earth.
And to show your whole family,
What life is worth.
You showed me that life,
Could be a wonderful thing.
You told me what I should do,
And what it would bring.
I'll miss you while you're gone,
You'll never leave my heart.
And from now until then,
I promise, you're missed when we're


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  • Deborag by Deborag
  • 11 years ago

The poem about the dying mother, would apply to my grandmother, who was the only mother I ever really knew. I called her momma, when one day she asked me why I didn't call her grandma. I was four. I said, "Can't I call you momma?" nothing else was ever said, she passed away when I was in college, I didn't get to be there. But I would like to think she is looking down on me and is proud of me.

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