STOP Suicide Poem

Poem For A Person Who Is Considering Suicide

My poem is meant for any teen who is considering ending their life by suicide. Teen suicide has become an epidemic, one that has affected me personally. I wrote this poem to make teens aware of what happens when they are gone. Hopefully, it will deter them from suicide.

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After You're Gone

Shelby N. Merchen © more by Shelby N. Merchen

Published by Family Friend Poems September 2021 with permission of the Author.

I want to paint a picture;
it's a scene that you should see.
If you decide to end your life,
what becomes of your family?

First, someone has to find you.
It will be a haunting sight,
Filled with panic and hysteria,
Screaming out in fright.

Maybe they will find you
Before you're actually dead.
Instead of going to the morgue, 
A hospital instead.

To the tiny hope that you'll survive,
They'll cling with all their might
Until a doctor tells them sorrowfully
You won't make it through the night. 

The next few days will be a blur.
A funeral is planned,
People come from out of town,
Neighbors lend a hand.

The house is full of people
To console your mom and dad.
Your little sister sits alone,
Feeling lost, confused, and sad.

But then the house gets quiet,
After everyone has gone,
They'll try to fill the silence,
Find a way to carry on.

They'll do their best to live their life,
The way it was before.
They'll eat their dinners at the table,
But there’s no talking anymore.

Soon your parents will start fighting.
Their marriage begins to wilt.
They'll cast blame upon each other,
Yet be consumed with their own guilt.

Your sister will feel lonely,
As your parents try to cope.
She wants to be a family,
But she's starting to lose hope.

Fast forward two years down the road,
Your sister's skipping class,
Your father looks for comfort
In the bottom of a glass.

Your mom uses medication
To try and ease her pain.
Pops pills by the handful,
She will never be the same.

A house once filled with love and laughter,
Feels cold and dark and sad.
Your sister's full of anger
Because you took her mom and dad.

Soon your dad stops coming home at night,
Your mom leaves her room no more.
Your sister's desperate cries for help
Are unheard behind closed doors.

Then your sister gives up fighting,
Can no longer stand the strife.
If only you were there,
You could probably save her life.

Your family now is shattered,
And it started all with you.
The loss of 1 child crushed them,
And now they have lost 2.

So before deciding to end your life,
I hope that you can see
The tragic ending of your family
Is what will come to be.

You see a family is like a puzzle,
An imperfect piece of art.
If you start removing pieces,
Soon the whole thing falls apart.

But this picture that I've painted,
Full of darkness, death, and dread,
Still has a chance to replaced
With a happy one instead.

There are people who will help you,
You just have to use your voice.
At least give them a chance,
Before you make a deadly choice.


more by Shelby N. Merchen

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