1. Nothing Gold Can Stay
Famous Poem
Nature's first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf's a flower;
But only so an hour.
A short poem may be a stylistic choice or it may be that you have said what you intended to say in a more concise way. Either way, they differ stylistically from a long poem in that there tends to be more care in word choice. Since there are fewer words people tend to spend more time on choosing a word that fits the subject to perfection. Because of this meticulous attitude, writing a short poem is often more tedious than writing a long poem.
Famous Poem
Nature's first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf's a flower;
But only so an hour.
Famous Poem
A trusting little leaf of green,
A bold audacious frost;
A rendezvous, a kiss or two,
And youth for ever lost.
I believe this poem is referencing the fleeting duration of the human life span. A leaf in the spring starts out green and tender. Until the frost comes in the fall and gives the leaf a...
Famous Poem
Underneath my outside face
There's a face that none can see.
A little less smiley,
A little less sure,
What a perfect poem! At times we could basically tell how people were feeling despite their facial expressions. It was in their eyes the tell- tale signs that led us to see at least the...
Some feelings are shallow, some feelings are deep.
Some make us smile, some make us weep.
Some we love, some we don't.
I, too, have dealt with depression most of my life. I have learned two things. Feelings are just that. They are fleeting. They come and they go. I have also learned to rely on my rock, my...
In all chaotic beauty lies a wounded work of art.
Beautiful but torn, wreaking havoc on my heart.
Camouflaged by insecurities, blinded by it all.
I love the way you sit there and barely notice me at all.
With death being the only certainty of life, life is just a bit too short for regrets.
Let's live while we're alive.
Let's love while we're alive.
Let's live and not just survive.
The plates will still shift
and the clouds will still spew.
The sun will slowly rise
and the moon will follow too.
This poem is really so good. I feel this poem; it's just amazing.
Despite the storms,
beauty arrives like
it was always going to.
Despite the darkness,
Part of the last line says, "Keep living." I'm saying keep writing. I like your style and sensitivity. Excellent flow and structure. I really enjoyed it.
Time doesn’t heal wounds
to make you forget.
It doesn’t heal wounds to
Very nicely done. I totally agree with you. I've used this same approach in my own life. I think sometime we pay more attention to what we're about to go through instead of how much you've...
They come in waves,
my feelings for you.
And not pretty whitecaps
dancing at my feet.
It is a terrifying thing
to watch love
walk in your direction
when you believe
Very well written and, in my opinion, very true. I like it and agree totally with it.
I come with no wrapping or pretty pink bows.
I am who I am, from my head to my toes.
I tend to get loud when speaking my mind.
Even a little crazy some of the time.
I love this poem! People are always trying to fit in and be normal. I've always disregarded being "normal." What's the point? Why would I be someone I am not? I am perfectly happy the way I...
Forever we remain oblivious to the future,
lost to the past and enduring our torture.
Forever we take chances to settle our scores,
losing some battles and winning some wars.
Very Inspiring and motivational. You can do anything you put your mind to. Keep having HEART!
Someday you will cry for me
Like I cried for you.
Someday you'll miss me
Like I missed you.
That's a wonderful recovery poem. I believe that if one does all they can to make a relationship work and it doesn't, then it's time to move on. And for the one who put their all into it,...
I caught snowflakes
on my fingertips
but they melted
to my dismay.
Awesome. When more of us realize that, the better off we all will be. I really like this poem.
Ever gotten there?
To that place where
You have nothing to prove
and can just be.
Simple Sam was a simple man.
He lived each day by a simple plan.
Enjoy your life and live while you can.
Make each day count and take a stand.
Little baby, oh so small
One day you will be big and tall
I watch you while you laugh and play
My love for you grows every day
So true. Before you know it the baby has grown. To a real mom they will forever be your babies.
one day
it will be so clear –
what you thought
was the end,
Wow! Good job. Sometimes hindsight will have us saying "What if?" And in the final review of an ended relationship, there may have been something else we could have done to make things work...
There will be dark days,
when you feel alone
with your aching heart
but that doesn’t mean
I think that is true to every person's life, and what he or she needs is patience that brings a glorious morning after a gloomy night. I had also once gone through such dark days, which later...