Heartbreak Poem by Teens

I’m Sorry Poem To First Boyfriend

I wrote this for my first love, Tanner. I broke up with him for some stupid reason, and now I'm regretting it.

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A Promise


Published by Family Friend Poems December 2015 with permission of the Author.

I don't think I have ever truly said
how sorry I am.
I hurt you so bad that day,
'cause I didn't think you meant it.
You said you loved me,
but I thought you were lying,
like everyone else.
The words I said
I didn't mean.
I thought I was saving myself
from the pain you'd cause,
but really I caused myself more.
I said I didn't care,
that I wanted to be friends.
But now we're not even close
to what we used to be.
I miss your hugs.
I miss your kisses.
I wish we could go back
to the time before those words.
But I know we could never,
so I hope we can build up
to the times before.
We talk now,
we laugh again,
we said we will try again
when we're older
and smarter.
Do you think it will work?
I hope it will.
I do still love you
and wish I could see you again.
That's years ahead.
I love you,
and that I hope you know.
We will see one another again,
I promise you that,
but until then,
I want you to remember
I love you,
I miss you,
and I will never forget you.
Forever and eternity,
and that I can promise.


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