Christmas Poem

Merry Christmas Poem

Hello, my name is Roxanna Johnson. I am 17 and currently a sophomore at my high school. I enjoy writing because it defines emotions that may otherwise never be experienced. I am currently published with two other sites and am looking forward to reviews from this amazing site as well. I am so very grateful that so many individuals pursue literature and enjoy its benefits. That is why I choose to write. I write mainly poems, but I have jotted down a few stories.

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A Poem Of Bliss


Published by Family Friend Poems December 2010 with permission of the Author.

A happy fat Santa busy one day,
Looks to his elves, all busy with work and no play.

A little boy running through the snow
Lays down to make angels, all neat in a row.

A pine tree drug through a living room and sat in place,
Awaits the smiling faces, to decorate it with beautiful lace.

Mistletoe hung above,
is just the place for a new and kindling love.
A group of carolers out in the cold,
Sing beautiful songs for the young and the old.

A delicious dinner made on Christmas is begun with prayer,
And is eaten with love and care.

Anxious children are told to sleep, though they are too excited to try.
So they lie awake and watch for a sleigh in the sky.

On Christmas morning, many will gather, sharing gifts and a story,
While adults smile at their children with pride and infinite glory!

Merry Christmas


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