Baby Poem

Dear Baby I'll Always Be There For You

This is a poem that I wrote for my son when I was 8 months pregnant. It's a promise that every mother makes to her child. My son is only 5 and a half weeks old, and I feel so truly blessed to be his mama. I'm only 21 years old and this tiny little person has changed my life in a way I never imagined possible.

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A Mother's Promise


Published by Family Friend Poems April 2011 with permission of the Author.

I promise to always love you in whoever you decide to be
I promise to be there for you, whenever you need me
I promise to not pass judgment without first hearing you out
I promise to be in your life from day one and to learn what you're about
I promise to keep you healthy and to help you grow nice and strong
I promise to teach you to be a good person and know what is right and wrong
I promise to protect you and to always know you are okay
I promise to always remember that being your mom is a gift, every single day
These words, my angel, are my promise to you
And during tough times I will read them through
To be reassured that what I am doing is right
And never giving up without a fight
You are now and will forever be,
My sweetest little boy.. My baby


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