I Love You Poem

I Will Love You Every Day Poem

I fell in love with a woman at school. So I try and I try relentlessly to gain her love, which I believe I already have, yet she won’t admit to it. Possibly because of fear due to past relationships. I truly love her and explain to her that once I do fall in love, I will never fall out of it. It's the way I was created. I wish to have my words published to inspire people to never give up on something you know deep in your soul is correct.

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A Is For Angel


Published by Family Friend Poems December 2016 with permission of the Author.

I will write you a poem every day, if that's what it will take.
I will go as far as to get a few published to prove I'm not fake.
My feelings are real, you know that it's true.
You're afraid to accept that I really do love you.
I will help you forget the hurt in your past.
Trust that with me, you'll have a love that will last.
Why waste your time with those who don't care?
Hurting you is a thought I would never dare.
I feel all of this pain.
I sometimes believe all of this is in vain.
You can't understand why I stay around.
To you, I say my soul is eternally bound.
To me, you're an angel, even your name starts with an 'A.'
If to be with you costs my life, it would be my honor to pay.
I have so much to write, such little time in the day,
So I leave you with this promise, I will love you more every day.
I will love you forever and ever and ever... My little 'A.'


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