Compassion Poem

The Power Of A Smile: A Poem Of Compassion And Hope

I seldom get out anymore, except for medical reasons. I find it is still easy to bring a little brightness into this old world by just smiling. Some people are so startled and seem to think twice about smiling back. Children respond better. This is a troubled world.

Featured Shared Story

I enjoyed the poem, and I always try smile, but now it's a little hard because of masks. This poem should be seen by everyone and help people feel more comfortable.

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A Gift To Share

© more by Alora M. Knight

Published by Family Friend Poems August 2018 with permission of the Author.

I was given a smile the other day
From someone who passed me on their way.
I wasn't sure what I should do.
Perhaps, I'll leave it up to you.

If I should keep it for myself,
Put it on the kitchen shelf.
Then it would be a certainty
To bring some happiness to me.

Somehow that doesn't feel just right
For me to keep it in my sight
When there were others who might need
A waft of warmth, oh yes indeed.

It doesn't take so very much,
A cheerful smile, a gentle touch,
To lift the cloud another bears,
To help them feel somebody cares.

There is one thing we all should know.
A smile is like the candle's glow.
No matter how many candles share
That light, its fullness still is there.

So when I go out on the street,
No matter whom I chance to meet,
If I share with them my precious smile,
Do you think that will be worthwhile?

For hopefully, they too, will understand
That a smile is like a helping hand.
I'm hoping that you will agree
And someday share a smile with me.



Words have always been an important part of my life. My mother taught to read before I started school and coached me through winning spelling contests. I had to learn the meaning of the words, too. I've written books and articles for Salesian Inspirational Mission, Chicken Soup for the Sister's Soul, for newspapers and magazines, but receiving...

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  • Brittany Rivera by Brittany Rivera
  • 6 years ago

Wow, this is a beautiful poem. It gave me goosebumps.

  • Michael Allred by Michael Allred
  • 4 years ago

I enjoyed the poem, and I always try smile, but now it's a little hard because of masks. This poem should be seen by everyone and help people feel more comfortable.

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