Dying Poem

Facing Your Own Death

Do not be alarmed, I have many good years ahead. This poem was inspired by a PBS special on facing your own death. These are my own personal feelings, but it is in the hope that others can live life well and be able to face their own mortality when that day comes.

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Left at a young at young age I know. You know life takes the best people in the world and those we love the most but, know that her soul is happy and free where she is. She still walks and is...

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A Final Goodbye

© more by Betty Janko

Published by Family Friend Poems July 2016 with permission of the Author.

Do not weep for me, for I will soon be gone.
My body may die, but my soul will live on.
Perhaps up to heaven, maybe eternity,
or be reborn as another, when I am set free.

Do not weep for me, for I will soon be gone.
I was a survivor since my first breath was drawn.
I loved and was loved by animals and man,
siblings, friends, and strangers since my life began.

I was blessed with a father who taught me well,
to live this life on earth as a heaven, not hell.
A mother who taught me to stand on my feet,
a faith that anchored me, all strangers to greet.

If you fear dying, you'll not live a full life,
as pain and dread will cut through like a knife.
Live each day with joy while you're here on this earth;
make each day count, with compassion and mirth.

Do not weep for me, for I will soon be gone,
my body may die, but my soul will live on.
I leave all of you with my love, and I pray
that our souls will touch once again someday.


more by Betty Janko

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Tracey by Tracey
  • 5 years ago

Left at a young at young age I know. You know life takes the best people in the world and those we love the most but, know that her soul is happy and free where she is. She still walks and is always by your side in every step you take and very pain you go through. I know you can't see her but feel her presence without seeing her. Hang in there and believe everything will be okay.

  • Katie by Katie
  • 7 years ago

Watching my 17-year-old friend pass killed me. Although you are gone, you haven't left my memory. Although you're still here, I miss you every day. I know you are watching over me, but sometimes it's hard to know you aren't down the road anymore. You fought a battle that couldn't be fought much longer. Your heart gave up, and that was a sign from God to say it's your turn; you're next. I love you and miss you more and more, and now I have to grow up without you around me. You lived such an amazing life for a 17-year-old. I love you.
January 16, 2017 sleep tight

  • Claudia by Claudia
  • 7 years ago

In 3 days it will be the one year anniversary of the death of your friend. You are not alone in your memories. In time, your special memories will bring greater joy than pain. But it takes time, and sometimes a lot of time. Thank you for sharing.

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