Summer Poetry Contest Winner And Semi-Finalists

Published: August 2019

Structured Poems For Kids – Poetry Contest

We are excited to announce that "Candy Tree Shops" has been selected as the Summer Poetry Contest winner! Congratulations, Beryl L. Edmonds! Thank you to everyone who submitted poems to the Summer contest. These poems have been selected as semi-finalists for the Second Annual Children's Summer Poetry Contest, First Prize $50 Gift Card!. These poems have been written for children and follow one of the following structured formats: Acrostic, Haiku, Limerick, or ABC poem.


  • 1 entry per person.
  • All semi-finalist are published on our website.
  • Winner will be selected by our Editors and will be notified by Email.

What types of poems are we are looking for?

  • Are targeted to elementary school aged children. (ages 5-11)
  • Have literary techniques integrated (e.g. rhymes, similes/metaphors, repetition, alliteration, imagery, symbolism, personification etc.) when appropriate.
  • Follow the rules of the poetry form you select.
  • Can be used by teachers in elementary schools for poetry lessons.


Structured Poems For Kids – Poetry Contest

  1. Candy Tree Shops

    • By Beryl L Edmonds
    • Published by Family Friend Poems August 2019 with permission of the Author.

    As I enjoy reading and writing limericks, it was a delight to see that limericks are one of the four poetry forms in the 2019 Summer Poetry Contest. Children love poetry with some humour and a rhythmic beat. I hope to have gotten that right in these limericks I've written for children to read and hopefully enjoy. Five Limericks, each having a line syllable count of 10,10, 5, 5, 9.

    in Funny Poems for Kids

    If ice cream could be grown on the tree top,
    Tiny tummies would be liking it lots.
    Any fruit flavour
    For all to savour.


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    Thank you for the congratulations on my winning the Summer Poetry Contest, Brother John. Winning was an unexpected surprise. To my mind, all of the entries were worthy winners. Yours I...

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  2. Support Imagination

    • By Sharon J Spivak
    • Published by Family Friend Poems August 2019 with permission of the Author.

    The ABC Poem format is a format I have barely used through all the years of writing poetry. However, I was intrigued once I jumped in to try it! My husband of 42 years and I are recently retired and currently living in NC, having moved 3 years ago from New England. Retirement has blessed me with time to finally pursue my love of art and writing. I'm thrilled with this site where I am able to be a part of a community of poets! I'm just getting started, but I look forward to reading others' poems.

    in Poems for Kids

    A ball dress, some slippers, and I am in heaven.
    Believe me, pretending and dress up is fun!
    Can you use your own imagination?
    Do give it a try, my little one.


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  4. Best Birthday Ever!

    • By Zorian Alexis
    • Published by Family Friend Poems August 2019 with permission of the Author.

    This is an ABC poem about getting the perfect birthday gift after asking for it for many years.

    in Animal Poems for Kids

    "Amazing!" was all I could say
    Because I finally got my puppy today.
    Chocolate brown with soulful eyes,
    Definitely the perfect birthday surprise.


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  5. If I Were A Hero

    • By Shayan Das
    • Published by Family Friend Poems August 2019 with permission of the Author.

    This poem depicts the desire of a child to be a hero. He wishes to do something good for the world like his favorite fictional heroes (here, Avengers). To him, his happiness would be in its zenith if he could be like them. The poem is strictly penned in ABC form. Please read it aloud, keeping the flow and rhythm in order to enjoy more. Hope you will like the poem and the mode in which it is crafted.

    in Poems for Kids

    Above huge hills if ever I could rise,
    Beyond the gravity as Iron Man flies.
    Climbing and hanging if towers I could touch,
    Dashing as the Spider-Man, if fingers were such.


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    As a young child, I dreamt of being Superman. For me, other superhero could match him. I'm retired, but if I were still teaching, this would be an ideal fun poem with plenty to discuss in the...

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  7. Life In Fairy Land

    Writing for the Summer Poetry Competition brought out the child within me with a sweet tooth, who has been screaming to come out. As a little girl, I did dream of running away to consume chocolate 24-hours a day. What I really wanted then was to have dessert as the first course for my meal, not after I already filled up from savouries. Today I finally managed to indulge in my dream on paper. Having my favourite fairy tale characters joining my sugary feast is just an added bonus.

    in Poems for Kids

    As a small child I fancied to sail
    By ocean to a land of fairy tales,
    Camp in a field with Little Red Riding Hood.
    Dazzling stars would fire at the Big Bad Wolf.


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  8. Spreading Love Through Acts Of Kindness

    I want to help children and adults to know that responding to evil with kindness and negative with good can change the world.

    in Inspiring Poems for Kids

    K - Kindness is shown by what we say and do.
    I - It says to the other person, "I care about you."
    N - Never neglect to show kindness to everyone you see.
    D - Day or night, young or old, whoever it may be.


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  9. The Ball Up High

    I wanted to write something children can read and relate to about the sun, so I thought I'd try limericks, and this came up. I hope you like it.

    in Nature Poems for Kids

    Once I did hear my brother call
    The sun a giant fire ball.
    How can that be?
    For what I see,


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    The poem written in simple colloquial language expresses the genuine thoughts of an innocent child who admires nature.

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  10. Listen To Mum

    • By John P. Read
    • Published by Family Friend Poems August 2019 with permission of the Author.

    A limerick regarding my school days (or should I say fooling around playing truant days). It's only later on in life you realize a good education is the key to success.

    in Inspiring Poems for Kids

    I remember when I was small and cool,
    I was always playing truant from school.
    My mum used to say,
    "You'll regret it one day


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    It's only now that I'm older I realise my school years were the best days of my life. If only I could turn back time.

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  11. Did You Know?

    I wanted to try writing an ABC poem for kids. I love to write and like to try my hand at writing all different forms of poetry.

    in Poems for Kids

    A cardinal flew past me today
    Because he wanted my attention.
    Cardinals mean someone in heaven is thinking of you.
    Did you know that? And did you also know that


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  12. A Morning (Haiku)

    My haiku is about all the love and happiness that each fine morning brings to our life.

    in Nature Poems for Kids

    Bees nudged the flowers
    Babies peeped out of the nest
    One fine crisp morning.


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  13. Summer

    • By Mary E Bone
    • Published by Family Friend Poems August 2019 with permission of the Author.

    This acrostic poem is about making memories with summer fun. Making mud pies is fun and messy. The children in our small town had lots of fun playing in the sandbox and making mud pies when we were children.

    in Nature Poems for Kids

    Sitting outside
    Under a tree
    Mud pies and water
    Making memories


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  14. Reminiscence

    • By Beverly Anne G. Castro
    • Published by Family Friend Poems August 2019 with permission of the Author.

    I made an acrostic for memories because, for me, summer is all about creating lots and lots of memories. This is very true, especially to kids. When summer comes, my cousins from the city come to the province to have some family bonding time. We go to the shore, play silly games, and share stories. This is what our summer is like every year. Hence, I incorporated in my poem the memories I cherish and share it with everyone.

    in Poems for Kids

    sumMer came
    flowErs bloomed
    playMates giggled
    bOnfires lit


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  15. Fun Activities

    • By Bipasha Roy
    • Published by Family Friend Poems August 2019 with permission of the Author.

    No matter what the season is, children always find a way to enjoy themselves. These haiku poems describe some of the activities enjoyed by children during spring, summer, fall, and winter.

    in Nature Poems for Kids

    springtime shower starts
    kids are jumping in puddles
    formed in their backyard


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