Short Poems For Kids - Page 2
Snowy Sunday
The world is spinning
round and round
while snowflakes are falling,
bound for the ground.Featured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!
Little Boy Blue
Please cover your nose.
You sneezed on Miss Muffet
and ruined her clothes.
You sprayed Mother HubbardFeatured Shared StoryThe poem gives a good lesson how to behave while you are sneezing.
Peace And Quiet
Peace is...
When you are outside on a nice warm day
With a cold glass of yellow lemonade.
Slurp, slurp, slurp.Featured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!
Splishy, Sploshy Mud
Splishy, sploshy mud
is the best type of crud!
You can make pies,
you can make mountains,Featured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!
My best friend is a book
that doesn't give me a weird look.
It is like a golden door
that takes me to the land where I have never been before.Featured Shared StoryOne of my best friends are books. Thanks for this poem, you are a really good poet.
If I Were...
If I were a queen,
I'd rule a mighty land.
If I were a princess,
I'd take a prince's hand.Featured Shared StoryGood poem. I'd like a poem that explains just one dream.
My Little Nephew
Whenever I see your sweetest smile,
My pain and sorrow are gone for a while.
Whenever I get mad because you're so unruly,Featured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!
Beautiful fresh purple flowers on a hill
Slowly moving water mill
Clumps of wet frost on the ground
Life is all aroundFeatured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!
What Love Is
True treasure is not found on ships, in chests of silver and gold.
True treasure is not ruby rings or jewels from long ago.
You don't need a treasure map to find chests beneath the sea.
True treasure is simply the love and joy found in you and me!Featured Shared StoryLove your poem! Moms are our biggest treasure. Children are a mother's biggest treasure. Thank you for sharing! I really enjoyed your poem!
Emerges above the land into their peak.
It is the sky they constantly seek.
From the far distance, we won't notice their height.Featured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!
Ode To A Zebra
I'm a stunning display of black and white,
Contrasting stripes to captivate sight.
My mane stands up straight and proud.Featured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!
What If?
What if there were purple spots on a pig?
What if there were no burrows to dig?
What if the colours weren't invented?Featured Shared StoryAll is well as it was established from the beginning and created by God. It's a good harmony in the world now. The poem is excellent and funny as well.
You're my nephew, my only man.
I can walk and hold your hand.
When I see you, I see a light.
When I see you, I hold on tight.Featured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!
Tiny Chihuahua,
Humongous Great Dane.
The difference between them
Is really quite plain.Featured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!
Featured Shared Story
I love this poem because this is what I am going through with my brother.
I'd Love To Be A Fairy's Child
Famous Poem
Children born of fairy stock
Never need for shirt or frock,
Never want for food or fire,
Always get their heart's desire:Featured Shared StoryVery nice poem. It deals with the aspirations of children. Childhood is the stage of innocence, and the present poem describes the same. It's lyrical, rhythmic and rhymed.
I'm just a little sunbeam.
Along the floor I crawl.
I climb up walls.
I creep down halls.Featured Shared StoryA simple poem with a common idea. I love the metaphorical use of the idea.
Yellow Senses
Yellow is beautiful
And kind.
Yellow tastes sour down my throat.
It feels like the warmth of the sky.Featured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!
Featured Shared Story
I just got off the phone with my mom, and this poem made me smile
Glow Worm
Oh, I wish I were a glow worm,
for a glow worm's never glum,
'cause how can you be grumpy
when the sun shines out your bum?Featured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!