Poems With Repetition
Published: March 2018

Repetition in poetry is when a poem has repeated lines or phrases. Repetition is used to bring a reader's attention to specific ideas or themes in the poem, and it's a useful technique to create structure in a poem.
Read more about how repetition is used in poetry.
28 Poems With Repetition - Examples Of Poems With Repeated Lines Or Phrases
Phenomenal Woman
Famous Poem
Analysis of Form and Technique
Pretty women wonder where my secret lies.
I'm not cute or built to suit a fashion model's size
But when I start to tell them,
They think I'm telling lies.Featured Shared StoryPhenomenal Woman By Maya Angelou this poem is a Classic that deals with every women in the world. This poem shows that beauty is compare by what society thinks a woman should looked like,...
But You Didn't
Famous Poem
Analysis of Form and Technique
Remember the time you lent me your car and I dented it?
I thought you'd kill me...
But you didn't.
Featured Shared StoryThis poem truly moved me. I am waiting for my husband to come home from hospital. He has been there for four weeks now and is still in intensive care. He was admitted with sepsis, and so much...
Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night
Famous Poem
Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rage at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Featured Shared StoryI like this poem. It reflects the general reaction of the majority of people not wanting their loved ones to go and if so at least they put up a fight, along with being poetically exquisite...
One Art
Famous Poem
The art of losing isn’t hard to master;
so many things seem filled with the intent
to be lost that their loss is no disaster.
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Acquainted With The Night
Famous Poem
I have been one acquainted with the night.
I have walked out in rain—and back in rain.
I have outwalked the furthest city light.
Featured Shared StoryEach word of the poem is uttering its deep pain in the darkness of night. Highly weighted poem like any other poem of him. Only the one who has gone through this sea of sorrow can understand...
The Meaning Of Love
Analysis of Form and Technique
To love is to share life together,
to build special plans just for two,
to work side by side,
and then smile with pride,Featured Shared StoryLove is the thing that keeps you up all night because you'd rather talk to that person than sleep. Love can be the best feeling in the world and also the worst. It can bring you higher than...
When Do I Think Of You?
I think of you in the morning
before the sun rises,
when in the still of the darkness
my heart feels your presence.Featured Shared StoryThe best poem I've read in a long time (and I love poems): soft, gentle, evocative, thoughtful, and able to create the same complexity of emotions in the reader. I'm grateful this morning...
Please Don't Cry
Please, don't cry.
I'm not really gone.
When you look out the window,
I'll be standing on the lawn.Featured Shared StoryThis is helping take way the pain. My daughter’s father, my ex-husband and my grandson's grandfather did on Sept. 14, 2016 after 2 weeks in hospice, and on Sept. 23, 2016 he was buried after...
Featured Shared Story
Feelings to love someone and being loved by someone you love are really great. The poem traveled me through those days when me and my boyfriend had a romantic time and had a crush on each...
Panic, worry, darkness closing in around me.
These are some of the words I could use to describe my anxiety,
but nothing I can say could speak of its entirety,
as I cry internally thinking I've lost my sanity.Featured Shared StoryI completely understand you. Whenever I go to the doctor, they say nothing's wrong. But the truth is, it feels like everything is wrong. And it hurts so much, anxiety.
Life Without You
Analysis of Form and Technique
Me without you
is like a leafless fall,
a snowless winter,
and a flowerless spring.Featured Shared StoryI'm madly in love with my girl, but suddenly things changed. She cut the communication, so I can't reach her. I don't know if she will be back. I'm feeling choked and lonely. Life without her...
I Love Your Smile
I love your eyes and your soft sighs.
I love your inner beauty, too.
I love the way each passing day
You give a love so warm and true.Featured Shared StoryI always remember that smile, a smile that can make me fall in love. He is my friend. He is so kind and always smiling back at me. Every day I always wanna say to him to keep that smile for...
Will You Ever Love Me?
When I'm missing you,
I feel a million miles away.
I long for your touch.
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Never Stop Being You
Analysis of Form and Technique
Never stop caring about the little things in life.
Never stop dreaming, and don't give into strife.
Never stop wondering are we on our own.
Never stop thinking has your spirituality grown.Featured Shared StoryWell, it's true. No matter how tough life has been and may seem, the best thing to do is to keep moving forward, even when it hurts with the assurance that you are not alone. God is there,...
Until Forever Dies
Analysis of Form and Technique
This is us,
Never alone.
We have each other.
Whether in the same roomFeatured Shared StoryThat was a super fantastic poem and completely heart touching. Me and my boyfriend will be celebrating two years of our relationship next month and this poem is just so beautiful and perfect...
Clear Vision
in Inspirational Poems by Teens
She longs to be pretty,
Because all she sees are her flaws.
She doesn't see that those "flaws"
Are really her perfection.Featured Shared StoryThis, to me, describes something similar that my friends said/wrote about me. It shocked me at the time how much they cared about me. I felt unlovable after me and my mom started fighting...
The Life Of A Soldier
in War Poems
We have an understanding, you and I.
We sit in silence; nothing needs to be said.
I know the weight you carry.Featured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!
Because She Was My Best Friend
Together we would laugh, together we would cry,
With each other, we'd never be shy.
We'd often fight, then sort it out,
And at each other, we would never shout.Featured Shared StoryWhen my best friend that I’ve known since I was a baby came back to England, we grew a connection. She was always by my side and made me happy. She has 3 beautiful kids. The youngest is only...
Love Takes A Little More
You supply the lips and I'll supply the kiss,
You supply the chance and I'll supply the bliss.
You supply the truth and I'll supply the trust,
You supply the time and I'll supply the lust.Featured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!
I'll Be There
I'll be there
When you feel lonely and frightened,
When you need help with something,
When you feel hopeless.Featured Shared StoryYour bestie may move on, but still be there for him/her. They may still need you!