Overcoming Hard Times Poems - Page 2
The Girl
A letter to that girl
That girl who sat by herself
That girl who doubted herself
That girl who was bulliedFeatured Shared StoryThis hit home to the T. I couldn't have said it better if I wrote it myself. To whoever wrote this, I feel for what you feel, and it gives me courage to go on. Thank you for sharing it to us...
Climb Every Mountain
We all have a massive mountain to climb,
Especially those who've lost someone dear.
But climb that big mountain, we surely must,
If we are going to overcome fear.Featured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!
Finding A Will When Wanting To Quit
Times will get rough and sometimes tough,
Where you may say that you have had enough,
Where you may fall and need a lift,
Where the hurt of your pains may leave you stiff.Featured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!
in Short Poems
She never let life
or the weight that
came along with it
weigh her down, itFeatured Shared StoryI think that is what living is all about. We live, we learn, we make changes, and we live on; hopefully, stronger.
Moving Toward Temporary
Sometimes your best isn't enough
And happiness comes after sorrow
Life isn't always going to be rough
Yet, I can't speak for tomorrowFeatured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!
On Adversity
Adversity brings out the best in you
It often helps to find something new -
A hidden talent or clears a doubtFeatured Shared StoryThank you for commenting on my poem. Stay blessed.
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