Poems About Christmas Traditions
Published: December 2018

The holiday season is marked with a variety of traditions that have been established since childhood. While there are some universal Christmas traditions, each family has their own memories to cherish during this special time of year.
16 Poems About Memorable Christmas Traditions
A Christmas Wish
I wish I could go back to the past,
of Christmases long ago.
I wish I could see my loved ones
who have passed on long ago.Featured Shared StoryI was touched that I've brought back a precious memory for you. God Bless
Christmas Now And Then
Well, it is December, and Christmas is almost here
Another happy Christmas for family and good cheer
There will be tables loaded with turkeys, hams and sweets
We know there will be more than we could ever eatFeatured Shared StoryI found it very touching as I've got 2 parents still but as some people they don't have parents so they don't get very many presents. I hope everyone has a good Christmas and just be grateful...
The Hush Of Christmas
Have you observed this Christmas thing?
How shoppers shop and sleigh bells ring,
And children wrapped in muffs and cuffs
Are trying out their newfound stuff.Featured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!
The Coming Of Christmas
Christmas time is almost here
As the snow falls gently to the ground
Families will come together far and near
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A Christmas Long Gone
I lie here awake, afraid to sleep.
I've prayed the Lord my soul to keep.
My stocking is hung on my bed,
Really brother's long sock instead.Featured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!
Christmas Jewels
Oh, to capture Christmas
In the palm of one's hand;
To clasp, like a jeweled strand,
Every memory dear and grand.Featured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!
My Childhood Christmas Memories
My childhood Christmas memories always make me smile.
I'll often drift to long ago and stay there for a while.
Remember singing carols long before the date?
Of counting days from Halloween, I really couldn't wait.Featured Shared StoryI was very touched by this story, because it brought back my Christmas memories. I come from a family of 13 children I'm next to the youngest, but Christmas was the happiest day for all of...
December is here and there's ice all around.
All the leaves are gone and the soil has hardened on the ground.
Icy breath as you exhale,Featured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!
A Poem Of Bliss
A happy fat Santa busy one day,
Looks to his elves, all busy with work and no play.
A little boy running through the snowFeatured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!
My Christmas Wishes
I wish for my lost loved ones to spread wings
So they'd fly back and share all Christmas things,
Just as they did back in their days on earth
And the holy birth was a source of great mirth.Featured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!
A Precious Christmas Memory
In the damp, dusty cellar, surrounded by boxes,
Our excitement just grows without measure.
Searching and sorting with loud shouts of glee,
As we uncovered the grand Christmas treasure.Featured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!
It is seven a.m.,
And the snow is falling
As I look outside
At the carolers calling.Featured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!
Christmas In My Eyes
People saying, "Ho, Ho, Ho"
Lovers kissing under the mistletoe
Children playing in the snow
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The Joy Of Christmas
Christmas is a loving hug
Or roasting chestnuts on the rug.
Christmas is one's first snow
And wrapping presents up with bows.Featured Shared StoryI was honored to know this author's father when he was first born and celebrated many Christmases with him and his Mom and Dad. This poem made me remember the wonderful Christmases we had. I...
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Christmas Sensations
Christmas lights twinkle and shine as bright
as the stars in the sky on a cold, clear night.
The fresh blanket of fallen snow,
it looks so pretty on the tree boughs.Featured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!