Christmas Poetry Contest Semi-Finalists
Published: December 2018

These poems have been selected as semi-finalists for the Christmas poetry contest.
- Christmas Poetry Contest, First Prize $50 Gift Card!
- Submission Deadline is December 20th. CLOSED.
- Semi-Finalists Published through December 23rd. CLOSED.
- Winner Announced: December 24th.
- The Winning Poem is - My Wish For This Christmas By Jamie Cirello
Christmas Wishes For Family And Friends
From Us To You
It's Christmas time,
And I wish you well.
May the Lord bless you
With the best of health.Featured Shared StoryHits home! It's perfect, not to long and straight to the point. I could see this in a Christmas card.
Christmas Time
At Christmas, lights burn brighter,
and friendly hugs get even tighter.
The spirit of Christmas fills the air,
and people seem to really care.Featured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!
A Christmas Wish
I wish I could go back to the past,
of Christmases long ago.
I wish I could see my loved ones
who have passed on long ago.Featured Shared StoryI was touched that I've brought back a precious memory for you. God Bless
Christmas Wishes For You
May peace dwell with you,
may prosperity huddle near.
May family gather together
without heartache or tear.Featured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!
What Can I Give?
I went to church on Christmas morn to hear the angels sing.
My heart was lifted with every chorus; the rafters, they did ring.
I sang along with joy in my heart, the greatest sound I've ever heard.
From "O Holy Night" to "What Child is This?" I cherished every word.Featured Shared StoryThis a very touching poem telling the perfect way to begin Christmas day. The greatest songs in the world heard on this special day celebrating Jesus, especially this perfect day. Songs bring...
My Wish For This Christmas
Christmas is a happy time for friends and family,
The children are excited as they unwrap presents around the tree.
Carols are sung and lights twinkle in the night.Featured Shared StoryMy Granny has just passed away, but I thought of her more like a mother - we were really close. I have been dreading Christmas because it just makes me miss her more. This poem touched my...
Gift Of Magic And Love
'Tis the season for warmth and cheer,
To be with our family and those we hold dear.
But what if we are miles away?
What if we can't be there on Christmas day?Featured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!
Featured Shared Story
In 2012, my husband's ex-wife moved their 2 children (ages 17 & 15) out of state, 1500 miles away without communicating to him it was going to happen. He would sit on the sofa & cry daily for...
My Childhood Christmas Memories
My childhood Christmas memories always make me smile.
I'll often drift to long ago and stay there for a while.
Remember singing carols long before the date?
Of counting days from Halloween, I really couldn't wait.Featured Shared StoryI was very touched by this story, because it brought back my Christmas memories. I come from a family of 13 children I'm next to the youngest, but Christmas was the happiest day for all of...
Forever And A Day
If I had one Christmas wish
For family and friends this year,
We would take the opportunity to strengthen values and beliefs
We hold so dear.Featured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!
Christmas Day
Across a white December night,
Each home is filled with candle light.
The moon shines brightly in a golden sky.
Stars are twinkling way up high.Featured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!
What Christmas Means To Me
Imagine waking up to that cool winter air
to see snow drifting and falling into your hair.
To build snowmen and snow angels and get into snowball fights,
and to snuggle in front of the fire that cool Christmas Eve night.Featured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!
December is here and there's ice all around.
All the leaves are gone and the soil has hardened on the ground.
Icy breath as you exhale,Featured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!
Christ's Advent
Silent soft snow descends.
Lights reflect into the night.
The world seems to wait,
Hushed before Christmas's delight.Featured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!
What Christmas Means
Christmas is a time when everyone gathers together
To share love and bring hope of a light that will last forever.
At a time like this, there's no such thing as being alone.
When you're with the ones you love, you'll then learn to grow.Featured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!
My Christmas Wishes
I wish for my lost loved ones to spread wings
So they'd fly back and share all Christmas things,
Just as they did back in their days on earth
And the holy birth was a source of great mirth.Featured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!
Santa's Lazy Elf
Five more days till Christmas.
Santa and his crew
were working overtime making
children's dreams come true.Featured Shared StoryI absolutely wish I wrote this brilliant, funny poem. Well done to the author.
Blessings And Good Tidings
Rows of houses blanketed with snow.
Christmas lights lucent and aglow.
A reindeer, a sleigh, like artwork on display.
Stories unraveling, brass bells ringing,Featured Shared StoryThough I live in Australia, I can picture the scene in my mind's eye. It's reminiscent of a Charles Dickens scene from Scrooge. I love the poem and appreciate the words and talent of the poet.
Ode To A Holiday
Upon us now is that time of year again
When we think a lot about our family and friends.
The days are short and the nights are cold,Featured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!
Christmas Is Here
Cold days and hard long nights.
Trees shimmed with tiny lights,
Their branches pointing ever high,
Reaching for the midnight sky.Featured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!