Christmas Poem

Leading Up To Christmas

The time leading up to Christmas is its own special time, which is often glossed over and lost in the Christmas festivities that begin as early as late November. L.M. Montgomery in her Anne of Green Gables noted that the anticipation is most of the fun. If you jump into Christmas too early, Christmas becomes old news before it actually arrives. Further, you miss the growing magic feeling derived from the waiting. You cheat yourself of the true Christmas feeling. Merry Christmas!

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Christ's Advent

© more by Michaela Hart

Published by Family Friend Poems December 2018 with permission of the Author.

Silent soft snow descends.
Lights reflect into the night.
The world seems to wait,
Hushed before Christmas's delight.

The days creep gradually shorter.
Children feel the magic grow.
Oh when will Christ's birth come?
"Soon," whispers the silent snow.

Cookies baked, trees trimmed.
The world builds anticipation,
Yet the manger is missing the Christ,
The Source of this festive sensation.

Coloured lights keep vigil.
Garlands and trees emerge.
Cards get mailed to kin.
"Come Christmas," children urge.

Then one night, the 25th,
A bell, a soft bell rang.
Then angels came and proclaimed
Christ is born, they sang!

The people sitting in darkness
Heard the joyful song.
They rang their bells and rejoiced.
Come, let's sing along!

Now, in this Christmas season
May Christ's joy rest every fear,
And may your heart grow younger
In the coming New Year!


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