Music Poem

It starts of rocky, and it's a little confusing, but I tried to get most of a teen's troubles to fit somewhere in here.

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Amazing, very good writing. This stanza really stood out to me: Of complete reality and worry filled days when life gets too real there's something that says I'll be with you through the...

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The Loudest Shadow


Published by Family Friend Poems March 2011 with permission of the Author.

It begins as a noise in the background
keeping steady beat as it makes its round.
It can be found at any time of day.
It's so simple, just push play.

It creates a story for everyone's life
as if it understands your struggles and strife.
It's impossible to stop, its purpose will be served
as if not to judge on whether or not you deserve
to feel absorbed in something bigger than yourself
where there is nobody to ever ring the bell

Of complete reality and worry filled days.
When life gets too real, there's something that says,
I'll be with you through the HAPPY and SAD.
the really GREAT days and even the BAD.

It lingers as if ready at any possible time
to lift you off your feet and begin to fly
away from all the grief, sorrow, and pain
to tell your mind that it's free again.

No judging or casting a nasty glare.
Nope, just to let you know that it's always there
as the shoulder to cry on when no one else cares
and casts you alone to face all of your scares.

It will give you a feeling that no one else can
and open your eyes to the ever-growing span
of opportunity and dare and even the strength
to end it all or just shoot blanks.

It tends to all of our daily needs,
not for us but with us so we really can see
the magic of you when in a crowd.
Nothing else will sound as loud.

As the beats, bells, and whistles that are in your head
revealing to you a new path to tread
for you will follow no one; your path will be your own
because your are lead by something that can't be owned.

To be there for whenever you desire
is its one purpose, to light your fire.
It can't be stopped if the will is steady.
It can be unleashed, it's always ready.

To light up your day or slow down the time
to yell at the world, or even to cry,
to help you with whatever you may need,
or just to be there for whenever you please.

It will live until the end of time
serving its purpose, to let its light shine
remember family, friends, and even pets
but most of all music never forget


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  • Rating 4.44
Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Thomas  E. McCullough by Thomas E. McCullough
  • 8 years ago

Amazing, very good writing. This stanza really stood out to me:

Of complete reality and worry filled days
when life gets too real there's something that says
I'll be with you through the HAPPY and SAD
the really GREAT days and even the BAD

It reminded me of my God's love and him being there for you no matter what. By the way, my God loves you all...

  • Lily Sanchez by Lily Sanchez
  • 8 years ago

Hey, just wanted to let you all know that this poem, The Loudest Shadow , is really good and it reflects most of my problems. To be honest I really never felt anyone was there for me, besides the music I listen to, mainly because I hold all my hate inside of me because I cant find a way to let it go. Well I hope that whenever you listen to this poem I hope that you all like it!:)
Thank you to whoever wrote this!!!!!!!!

  • Michael by Michael
  • 9 years ago

i love this poem i want to know you wrote this poem and please keep writing
it touched me.

  • Toria by Toria, New Zealand
  • 9 years ago

Hey, I was wondering who wrote this great poem?

I can relate to this poem so much as people have different perceptions on music, and I love how this poem captures that essence of how music can change people, and it can inspire people. I love that. Thank you!

  • Amirah by Amirah, Boston
  • 12 years ago

That is a beautifully written poem about an amazing way to look at music. I love it.

  • Collin by Collin, Fort Collins
  • 12 years ago

This poem is beautiful it make feel there is always someone watching me and comforting me

  • Maya by Maya
  • 12 years ago

This is beautiful. It really reflects on my relationship with music too.

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