Meaningful Poem

Pondering Life

Just thinking about life and things in it, and this poem just came to my head, so I wrote it down.

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Most of the answers to this poem in my eyes would be hope.

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© more by Helen Grandison

Published by Family Friend Poems March 2008 with permission of the Author.

Why do we begin if we don't plan to finish?
Why do we love if we don't want to get hurt?
Why do we live if someday we must die?
Why do we smile if we really hurt inside?
Why do we frown when everything is upside down?
Why do we plan but not take action?
Why do we cry when someday it will be all right?
Why do we get mad if we really should be glad?
Why do we mourn when somebody is gone?
Why do we say hi if we really mean goodbye?
Why do we question what shouldn't be questioned
and answer what shouldn't be answered?
Tell me now...why?


more by Helen Grandison

  • Stories 2
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  • Canada by Canada
  • 11 years ago

Most of the answers to this poem in my eyes would be hope.

  • Christine Peratikos by Christine Peratikos
  • 13 years ago

This poem is really meaningful. I want to answer to why do we mourn when somebody is gone . you mourn somebody only if you love them dearly otherwise you don't mourn, for example I mourned for a whole year my moms death cuz the only person I adored in my life was MY MOM. and the only person now in my life who I ADORE is my son. The feelings you carry in your soul makes you love, hate mourn all the emotions .LOVE LOVE

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