Abuse Poem

Nobody Believes I Was Abused

This is a poem about my past sexual abuse.

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I want you to know I know how it feels. I am 32, when I was 4 years old my Biological father started to rape me when my mother didn't please him. I was raped for 8 long years, by him and...

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Never Will Be


Published by Family Friend Poems October 2009 with permission of the Author.

The cold cuts through me-
bloody and deep.
I want to get warm,
but all I can do is sit and weep.

You left me broken and hurt
and feeling depressed.
I said I was sorry and I love you,
but you weren't impressed.

We fought about the abuse
and you didn't believe me.
I tried to explain it all-
how else would a child know what I saw?

I felt his body on top of me,
heavy and hot
and I cried out in pain
as I fought with everything I got.

He says he does it
because he loves me,
but what kind of love is that?
The truth I just can't see.

I want to be warm,
but you left me.
I want you to believe,
but it never will be.

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Ezra by Ezra
  • 10 years ago

I want you to know I know how it feels. I am 32, when I was 4 years old my Biological father started to rape me when my mother didn't please him. I was raped for 8 long years, by him and sometimes his friends. I was tortured, left in closets for weeks at a time, fed dog food, chained around my neck, placed in a cage, beaten, broken, I have a scar going across my entire head when he split my skull open with a hammer when I was 8, I have a scar on my testicles from when he sliced them open and told me that "people like me don't deserve to breed." Him and his friends would take turns on me, and then beat me so bad that they would drop me off at the local hospital and drive off. I survived. I am still alive, and every night, every moment it still lives in me, but I survived. I survived and I will not let him own me, I will not let him win. I can barely walk today due to the damage I receive as a child, but I survived. Just know, the best revenge is to live a good life.

  • Brandy by Brandy, Hillsboro OR
  • 12 years ago

I was molested by my stepbrother for years. When he came back for my gram's funeral I thought I would die, I hadn't had to see him in 12 years. I told my mom, who had been raped by her uncle as a child and her mother didn't believe her. I thought she would believe me & tell him he couldn't be there, but she didn't believe me either! I had never lost anyone in my family & was so sick to find out at the graveside when my mom told me "he" would be staying at their house! I ran from the graveside crying and drove myself home alone, no family, nothing.
She came to my home several weeks later & she wanted to tell me that he stayed at her house for two weeks & kept telling me how great he was! She then told me that "you should just grow up, get over it, or get some help because he's going to be in our lives and besides that's just what brother's and sister's do to each other so get over it!"
I told her she was sick and I didn't want her to call or see me again!

  • Bethany .W. (A.K.A. Brew) by Bethany .W. (A.K.A. Brew)
  • 13 years ago

I am so glad you wrote this and posted this. I totally understand. My mother doesn't believe me about me being raped.

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