Love Poem by Teens

Poem To The Girl Next Door

This is a poem about a boy with a bunch of problems and thought there was nothing good in life until he met the new GIRL NEXT DOOR!

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Yes, this poem has touched my heart because as teenagers we all have such feelings. It is good for healthy growth of young people. Such feelings make them learn love, compassion and empathy....

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My Best Friend


Published by Family Friend Poems October 2008 with permission of the Author.

I sit here thinking about that day
that God sent me an angel, and I thank him for not taking you away.

Because you changed my world with a blink on an eye;
that is something I cannot deny.

You are a best friend who will always be there
because you are a best friend who really cares.

You really don't know what you have done for me;
you've pushed me to be the best thing I can be.

When I'm with you, I can't cry a single tear,
and your touch chases away all of my fear.

You really are an angel sent from above
to take care of me and show me what it is to love.

Now I have found what I am looking for,
and that is your love and nothing more.

You made my sadness and worries a thing of the past
because you showed me a love that will last.

Man, what we have just feels so right
because when I am in the darkness, you show me the light.

I am so happy knowing that we are never really apart
because you have always remained in my heart.

Trust me, you will always be my best friend,
and that is because my love for you will never end.

I wish I could talk to you till the end of the day,
but now I am running out of things to say.

So I'll end this by a line you already know
and that is, I love you more than I can ever show!


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Bakosi Gilbert by Bakosi Gilbert
  • 4 years ago

This poem is romantic. It made me make an instant call to my only beloved girlfriend. When she's with me, I feel no enemy.

  • Subhash Bansal by Subhash Bansal
  • 6 years ago

Yes, this poem has touched my heart because as teenagers we all have such feelings. It is good for healthy growth of young people. Such feelings make them learn love, compassion and empathy. If a girl living next door can teach one so many virtues, then why shouldn't it happen? It must happen.
-Subhash Bansal

  • Devin Hornbeck by Devin Hornbeck
  • 8 years ago

When I read this poem I wept, then I smiled, because it made me think of her... (my angel). I love my girlfriend so much that it is not even possible to express my full love because it has never, and will never stop continuing to grow. She is my one love that without her, my life is a mystery that I will never be able to solve. She came to me as if out of nowhere, but now that she's in my life, I have no intention of letting her go. She is my light. My one true angel.

  • Destiny by Destiny
  • 11 years ago

There was a guy I knew from school and this poem made me think of him

  • Jacob Yorres by Jacob Yorres, Clifton Park
  • 13 years ago

This poem brought tears to my face and it reminded me of my girlfriend and how much I love and care for her and that I would rather be with her than anyone else in the world thanks for the wake up call (:

  • Peter by Peter
  • 15 years ago

This poem has truely touched my heart. I feel like that boy since I also have a girl whom I truly love and I always hope that she sees' my love for her even in the very little I do to show my true love to her!

  • Fallon by Fallon
  • 16 years ago

This poem was great, I started to cry and it made me think of my current boyfriend now! this poem is saved and I will be putting it in my wedding speech for when I get married

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