Environment Poem

Always the quiet one in any crowd, yet always thinking. After the unexpected death of my husband, I found that writing down my thoughts helped me deal with my life. Somehow it usually came out in poetic form. My little poems have been my therapist, friend, and inspiration. Perhaps someone else will derive pleasure or help from them as well.

Mankind can be so arrogant and careless. This poem reminds us to care for our Earth or pay the price.

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A stern warning by the poet that we all need to respond to and act accordingly.

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Mother Nature

© more by Edith A. Phinazee

Published by Family Friend Poems June 2011 with permission of the Author.

Our world is always changing,
Constantly rearranging.
From ocean depths to mountain peaks,
Mother Nature moves and speaks.
While telling stories of our past,
She tries to teach us how to last.
Mankind, so smart, sometimes blind,
Leaves common sense far behind.
We're moving fast and living large,
Forgetting Mother Nature's in charge.
Amazed when she rings our bell,
Sending us through living hell.
She can twist our steel, shake any city.
If her wrath you feel, we shall pity.
Yet some who speak on her behalf,
I fear just seek the golden calf.
It's true, we must treat her right.
Or we will incur a deadly plight.
Treat her with distinction
Or surely face extinction!


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  • Stories 2
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  • Rating 4.14
Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Shripad G. Agnihotri by Shripad G. Agnihotri
  • 6 years ago

A stern warning by the poet that we all need to respond to and act accordingly.

  • Anuradha Raghuwanshi by Anuradha Raghuwanshi, Guna
  • 10 years ago

Its an amazing poem I recite it in my class for an assignment and I got good marks for this poem. Thanks for writing such a beautiful poem thanks a lot.

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