Death Moving On Poem

Poem About Losing A Father

A poem written while a girl was in the healing process of losing her father.

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Losing a loved one is very heartbreaking, especially if that someone is your mom or dad. I lost my dad when I was 2 years old, and I really have no memories of him other than the ones taken...

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In Our Hearts

© more by Rose M. De Leon

Published by Family Friend Poems December 2007 with permission of the Author.

We thought of you with love today,
But that is nothing new.
We thought about you yesterday
And days before that, too.
We think of you in silence.
We often speak your name.
Now all we have are memories
And your picture in a frame.
Your memory is our keepsake
With which we'll never part.
God has you in his keeping.
We have you in our heart.


more by Rose M. De Leon

  • Stories 94
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  • Rating 4.47
Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Pretty Joyful by Pretty Joyful, Philippines
  • 2 years ago

Losing a loved one is very heartbreaking, especially if that someone is your mom or dad. I lost my dad when I was 2 years old, and I really have no memories of him other than the ones taken with the camera, and just last year I lost my mom due to Covid-19. Today is her 11th month in heaven, and I still think of her every single day. She was all my brother and I had for almost 25 years, and just like that. in a span of 9 days. I lost her forever. Now all we have of her are the memories we've shared that we'll keep in our hearts forever. And maybe every time we miss her, we'll just go back to those captured memories we had. She was very kind, a kind of once in a lifetime. I'm very blessed to have her as my mom, and I will never trade her to anyone in this lifetime.

  • Vicky Poulos by Vicky Poulos
  • 2 years ago

It is a strange coincidence that this poem should be posted today. In my daughter-in-law's family, a beautiful 4-year-old will be told today that her father tragically died last Saturday night on his way home from work. I had only seen him the day before. I was enjoying his good company at my son's home. I liked how my son finally relaxed after a hectic school term dealing with unsettled teenagers. I hadn't really known this young man, but I was able to see the dedicated father, son, and husband he was. My heart is constantly heavy, eyes always close to tears. I want to talk to someone, but everyone is in deep mourning. I feel deep guilt remembering that while he was talking about his motorbike I didn't say 'please take extra care,' for fear that my son would glare at me for spoiling the conversation. I pray for the 4-year-old and her 2-year-old brother, their mum, and their extended families. Thank you for the poem. No one is alone in grief.

  • David A. Millward by David A. Millward
  • 2 years ago

Lost my wife of 63 years of marriage in September 2021. We had been together since we were age 14 (married at 18) ... we spent a lifetime together, we grew old together. This beautiful poem by Rose M. DeLeon says it all ... puts our emotions in perspective.

  • Avril Goodall by Avril Goodall
  • 6 years ago

I lost my wonderful Dad, Harry, just before Christmas 2016 aged 96 years. I am the only child, and he lived right across the road from me, in the house I lived in with him from the age of 5. The only person that I loved and trusted and the mourning is still ongoing!

I am so glad to have found this forum, it's good to know that I have found people who have ''been there"

  • Jonah FL by Jonah FL
  • 8 years ago

I lost an uncle, a grandfather, an aunt, too many friends' parents to count, and I have become immune to it. When I hear of another passing, I look torn up and destroyed on the outside, but on the inside, I scratch another name off the list. One day this will all blow up in my face and I'll have an existential crisis where I will probably compare myself to all those names I've been called and let it all crush me. After reading this poem, those names echoed in my head and I feel like lying down and not moving, maybe for the rest of the day.

  • Kimberley Crombie by Kimberley Crombie
  • 8 years ago

My dad passed away when I was 8, and he passed away on my friend's birthday. I am 13, but last year when I turned 12 the principal of my school died on my birthday. I have no idea why it had to happen to me, but I guess that is life. I don't have a great relationship with my mum either. She never seemed to get me. She didn't seem to get why my brothers and I don't like her that much. She wasn't nice about my dad and said that he was a child and acted as though he didn't do anything even though he was dying.

  • Alexandria Naujoks by Alexandria Naujoks
  • 7 years ago

I lost my Dad too, but I cannot pretend to know what you're going through. But I will say's okay; it's okay to feel sad, to feel angry, to feel like the world around you is closing in on you. But I will also say's not the end for you, not for a long time.
Treasure those around you, even if you don't particularly like them, because those around you are what help to shape you into who you are, both the good and the bad, but most of it is up to you. Do what you want to do, but not in a reckless way, but in a way where you're able to make memories that you won't forget. Do what you believe would make your Dad proud, and if you're not sure, just think back on the memories that you shared together, because you'll always have those. Even if he isn't around now, he was, and that fact will never change. But also don't let his passing restrict you from living your life. Do what you think would make him proud, but don't forget about yourself either. You can be selfish too.

  • Bayrem by Bayrem
  • 8 years ago

I lost my dad 3 years ago. When I heard about his death, I felt as though I lost my mind and turned into an insane guy. I didn’t cry because I was completely choked, but my heart was bleeding. I didn’t even say anything except, “What should I do? How could I live without my father?”

  • Wendy Martinez by Wendy Martinez
  • 8 years ago

I lost my dad about over 8 years ago. When I first found out he passed, he was really far from me. I couldn't attend his service or his funeral. The thing that hurt me the most is that growing up, until about the age of 11, I saw him as a father figure, but grew up thinking someone else was my dad. I always dreamed about him after he passed, until I found out the truth about him being my real dad. For some odd reason I don't dream about him anymore but I really wish I did , just so I can see him again. I know you can never get over the death of a parent, but it is even harder for me to deal with his death when I didn't get a chance to have a father - daughter relationship or say goodbye .

  • Simon Byrne by Simon Byrne
  • 8 years ago

So sorry for your sadness....... Lost my dad six weeks ago, and it is torture! Lost my mum six years ago, it does get easier but always feels so empty! Your situation is so very difficult, but your dad will know how much you are thinking of him. Do talk to him, do tell him how you feel, and do talk to your family and friends about this.
Where are you from? I am in Ireland. My Dad was over for my youngest son's eighteenth birthday party, and died the next day...... Unexpected.......take care and God Bless

  • Tiana Wade by Tiana Wade
  • 9 years ago

I lost my dad December 12th, 2010 when I was 9, I am now 14. I miss him deeply, this poem brought me to tears just reading it. Everyone blames me for his death, because I was in the hospital. I was diagnosed with cancer a couple of months before. But I had gotten worse which was why I was there. My dad found out that day after work and tried fixing his car out in the freezing weather trying to come see me and he froze to death. :( I wish I didn't beat cancer so I could be with my loving and caring Father! Thank you for writing a heart touching poem.

-Tiana Or as my dad called me Tia

  • Pina Cirillo by Pina Cirillo
  • 6 years ago

Hi Tiana, December 12th is quite an important date for me, too. Never blame yourself for your daddy's passing. If you can obtain a copy of the movie "The Shack," you will benefit from watching it (as I did). Sending love, light, peace, and blessings.

  • Arya Jasmine by Arya Jasmine
  • 8 years ago

I have no words for the hurt you suffer. We as children tend to take blame for our parent's demise no matter what! I lost my father in 2009. I blamed myself, we once had an argument a few months back.. and I told him that I wished he was on a ventilator with tubes stuck on his throat. I don't know why I said that or even know if such a condition was possible.. And it happened precisely so.. I even blamed myself for not making the ambulance call on time..
But it is only God who decides the right time for a person..
It is amazing that you've defeated cancer.. Don't look back.. You can make your daddy proud. He is not dead yet; but only away..
Pray for me as well as I will for you now.

  • Ezart by Ezart
  • 8 years ago

I'm sorry for your loss Tiana. Losing a parent is is very difficult at any age, I'm in my 40s and my dad just died shortly before last Christmas and it has affected me greatly. And the age of the parent doesn't matter either, mine was in his 70s but in my mind he was in his 50s, I didn't see him as a sick, elderly man and to find him lying dead on the floor and shaking him and trying to find a pulse, seeing the blank look on his face.... is an image that will never leave my mind.

You'll always miss him, but it does get better and life has to go on. Let's just hope there's a reason for everything and that in some way we will eventually be reunited with those we love.

  • Mama by Mama
  • 8 years ago

I lost my dad to cancer 13 yrs ago and miss him terribly. Beautiful poem did bring me to tears but also made me think that I needed to tell you.....
Your dad lives on through you, do not doubt that or blame yourself for his death. He is in your heart forever so make him proud and be an honorable, loving and honest person. Try your hardest in all that you do in honor of your dad. Btw, I am happy you beat cancer:)

  • Vibha Karnail by Vibha Karnail, India
  • 10 years ago

It's been a month since I lost my father. The most surprising thing is that he was not ill he just went suddenly doing his most favourite thing-trekking. The cause is not clear but what I lament is that I had no last moment with him. He died away from home so we are just scavenging his last words moments etc. I love him a lot but guess God loves him more. I just pray he is happy there. He was very hardworking and helpful. He was same for everyone. It will take me my entire life to be like him but I will try my best. I used to cry a lot but I do not know what has come over me that I am stronger. Maybe it's papa watching over me. I cry a lot when the memory plays fresh in my mind but it refreshes me. I love you papa.

  • Naomi by Naomi, Philippines
  • 10 years ago

Months ago, I lost my own father. At a ripe age of twelve. I was a huge daddy's girl. Even if I was 12, I slept beside him all the time, when all my classmates slept in their own rooms. I was never ashamed to say that I sleep with my dad. Not to mention, he was a head pastor and a pastor representative of my country, I would keep on crying when I sleep, and yes, he loved me so, even when I couldn't love myself

  • Georgia by Georgia
  • 7 years ago

I lost my dad at the age of twelve too on the 11th of January 2017. This is the hardest thing I have been through. I was a daddy's girl too. I didn't get along with my mom. I started to do self-harm but managed somehow to stop. I have family issues, but I try so hard just to be happy for him. LOVE YOU SO MUCH DAD Xxx

  • Mouhammed Misselmany by Mouhammed Misselmany, NSW/ /australia
  • 9 years ago

I am touched by all your stories so I thought I would share mine. I was 9 when I lost him and since then, almost everyday I cry about him. I miss him so much I actually sleep with my mum and whenever someone teases me, I just think of my dad and walk away. He has made me stronger through his whole life, now I shall treasure that.

  • Kaylee by Kaylee, Ohio
  • 10 years ago

My dad passed away when I was 14. I'm a daddy's girl. My dad was my hero and my best friend. He had cirrhosis of the liver. When the doctors found it he was in the last stage. They gave him 6 months to live and he lived 4 years. God works in mysterious ways I miss my dad so much but I would never wish him to come back because I love him so much that I don't want to see him suffer. He died in my arms at hospice and after that my life has been overwhelming. I try to be strong for my brother who has been like a dad to me.
He took me in when I had no place to go. I can't wait to see my daddy again

  • Ben by Ben, UK
  • 10 years ago

Just want to say how lovely this poem is. It touched me see I lost contact with my dad when I was five and I've only just been able to get in contact with his family last year after he spent years trying to find me. Only to find out my dad died 7 years ago due to cancer so it still feels fairly new to me and your poem has made me think he's never gone or forgotten he's in our hearts for everything. Thank you

  • Olivia White by Olivia White, UK
  • 10 years ago

My dad died four days after my eleventh birthday last year. Me and my brother found this so touching we used it at his funeral
Thank you so much
From Olivia and James White

  • Ann Brown by Ann Brown, Derby Uk
  • 10 years ago

I lost my dear dad the 29th of June last year and I miss him so much I was his number 1 daughter we were so close, we had a laugh and a joke all the time, he rang me every day morning noon and night. My dad was my rock if I needed to talk my dad would take the time and we would talk for ages. But now I can't just pick up the phone and say hi dad anymore, I have a picture of my dad at the side of my bed I talk to him every morning and most of the day and when I go to bed I just sit and talk about my day, I wish I could just pick up the phone and just say hi dad how are doing but I know I can't, but I know deep down that my dear dad is watching over me, love you dad miss you so so much.

  • Katrina Green by Katrina Green, California
  • 10 years ago

My daddy passed away December 8 2013, it was the hardest day of my life. Me. him and my two girls were very close, before he passed away, I was helping him with laundry and cooking etc., and visiting every single day like usual, he kept telling me, Nina, you have a heart of gold, words I'll cherish for ever, I love you daddy rest in peace! Thanks for all your poems, I love writing poetry myself, they help put visual meaning and sight to our feelings!

  • Nancy by Nancy, New Orleans
  • 11 years ago

My father-in-law passed away this past Thanksgiving after a 9 month battle with amyloid dementia. I discovered your poem online during this time. My 7 year old daughter recited your poem during the funeral service. It was very moving for the entire family. Thank you for your words of comfort.

  • Lisa by Lisa, Minnesota
  • 11 years ago

I lost my dear husband on September 23rd, 2008 from a house fire. The furnace is was what started the fire. He was only 44 years old. We have three daughters that were 8, 10, and 12 at the time he died. It has been VERY hard for me to move on, but I had/have to for my three girls. For some reason, I have been missing him more than ever now. I am a quiet person, so for me to talk about this, I believe will help me to grieve faster, and accept that he is in heaven and will be waiting for us all with open arms. I miss everything about him, EVERYTHING! He told me the day before he died that something did not feel right, that something was wrong. Little did I and or he know that he was going to die the next day. I look forward to the day when we can all be together again, that seems like an eternity to me right now. All I can do is keep moving forward, one step and one day at a time. God bless...Lisa

  • Becky by Becky, Ontario
  • 11 years ago

I lost my beloved father on January 1, 2014 at age 83. I am shattered beyond expression with grief. I am having a very difficult time dealing with the irreparable loss and feel the void ALL THE TIME! He was a loving husband, devoted father, proud father-in-law, doting grandfather and simply put a very caring, gentle and loyal soul. I miss him every single moment of every day. I am getting by with daily prayers and my faith in the Almighty.

This poem is reflective of many of us who have lost close loved ones - they will always remain forever in our hearts and memories! Thank you.

  • Julie by Julie
  • 11 years ago

I would like to print this poem off for my special little friend. He lost his father who was a Sheriff in the line of duty a few weeks ago in a horrible ordeal. I am making him a book and would like your poem in it.

  • Elisabeth- Lafayette by Elisabeth- Lafayette, Indiana
  • 11 years ago

I lost my Dad two years ago tomorrow. I was at my parents house visiting when he had a very sudden and unexpected heart attack, he was only 59. I'm so glad I was able to be with him in those last moments and tell him I loved him as he was losing consciousness. I loved him so much, he was everything a father should ever be. That first year was unbearably hard, but I know my Dad is with his Savior. I was thinking earlier how I lost my earthly Father, but I still have my heavenly Father who will protect me and guide my every way.

  • Lore Hines by Lore Hines, Sparks NV
  • 11 years ago

Our family of 6 just lost our father yesterday, Valentines Day 2014. He was a very strong, courageous, and brave man who fought a rough and long painful battle with Leukemia. He was truly the rock and glue of our family! I owe my thanks and love to my father who was a wonderful provider for us and a faithful cherished husband to my mother for 53 years. Thank you Father God for your mercy and the gift of a wonderful and loving father who helped mold me into the person I am today. He has joined my son and daughter, countless grandparents, and family pets in eternal peace with you Father God in Heaven. Until I see all of my guardian angels again, this poem helps so much. Thank you to this wonderful author for sharing!

  • Angelani by Angelani, Cagayn De Oro City
  • 11 years ago

It's a simply-worded poem yet reading it really broke my heart once again, remembering my father who died six months ago. He has pancreatic cancer that has metastasized up to his liver. He only lived less than two weeks after diagnosis. Today he would have turned 87.

  • Sue by Sue, Wilkes Barre Pa
  • 11 years ago

My Dad passed away Nov. 4th, 2011, while it has been 2 years now it still feels like it just happened. I miss him so much, it still hurts inside. This poem has helped feel a little better. Thank you for writing it. He had only been diagnosed with cancer a short time before his death. There was no time to really spend with him.

  • London by London, UK
  • 11 years ago

I recently lost my father, he suffered from a severe stroke and passed away two months later, I miss him a lot beyond words, but he still lives in our memories, thoughts and prayers forever!!

  • Leigh Bussey by Leigh Bussey, Durham
  • 11 years ago

Our dad passed away 4th April 2013 suddenly took us all by surprise and took him far to soon we didn't have any warning. My mam and all his girls were by his side the moment he passed. Later to find he had lung cancer he was a very special man he has five girls, five grand daughters and two grandsons and two great grandsons and four great grand daughters and we all miss him like nothing on this earth. We would give anything to have him here today with us all once again even if it was just for one day just to tell him how much we really loved him because we never got to tell him as he was taken from us suddenly and it hurt really bad. So dad where ever you are we miss you so bad and if you are watching down on your girls you will know how much we are grieving for you so just to let you know we love you to the stars and back and hope you are looking down on us all. Love you all ways dad big hugs and kisses from us all xxx

  • Linda by Linda, Zwolle
  • 11 years ago

I lost my dad and my baby girl in a tragic car accident. My dad was 67. My baby was 7. She died 3 days before her 8th birthday. We all were close family. My kids and I lived with my parents. So they all really close. The day we had accident my dad had took my two younger kids fishing. I had to work a few hours then we were going to shop, eat and pickup my check. On way home from doing all that we wrecked due to bad roads being flooded with water storm had came.

  • Lowell by Lowell, MA
  • 11 years ago

My name is Jamie. I'm 16 years old and I lost my dad a little over a month ago to a stroke. He spent over a month in the hospital. My whole family prayed that he would make it through it but we knew if was time for him to go and at 53 years old, he passed peacefully with me, my brother and my memere by his side. I miss him every single minute of the day. I will always be daddy's little girl and will always love him.

  • Mpho by Mpho, Johannesburg
  • 12 years ago

I lost my dad to gall bladder cancer on November 4,2012. he had just turned 70 on October 15 and I was 42 but felt like a little girl all over again. He had suffered for 7 months and I was the only one who knew that he was dying. I remember him for his faith and fear of God, and love for his children and especially his grand children. I'm going to read out this poem at his memorial in a few months time.

  • Jessica by Jessica, Cobourg Ontario
  • 12 years ago

September 30th 2012, three months ago today, I lost my future father-in-law and my boyfriend age 25 lost his father. It was in his sleep so it was very unexpected. That day will haunt me for the rest of my life, but it is comforting knowing that there are so many people that can share the feelings we are having - although I don't wish it upon anyone. Thank you for writing such a beautiful poem. I hope to read it at his memorial someday.

  • Misty by Misty, St. Catharines
  • 12 years ago

I lost my father from a hit and run on October 29th. He was riding his bicycle. There is not a day that goes by that I don't think about him. He will be 69 on 12/11/12, so happy birthday dad miss you and please watch over us and keep us safe. Love you always.

  • Charlene by Charlene, Ohio
  • 12 years ago

I just recently lost my dad October 11 2012 to esophageal cancer. This poem touched my heart when I read it. A constant reminder that even though he's not here physically you're here in spirit and here for me through this rough time. If anyone has lost a loved one especially one as close as my father was to me need to read this. Thank you so much

  • Sylviauna by Sylviauna, Florida
  • 12 years ago

This poem really helps me think a lot since I am only a child at the age of 12 so reading poems and such helps ,thank you so much. I lost my father and mother at the young age of 7 and 8 so I can relate. My father had a heart condition, ate red meat the night before and when I woke up the next thing I knew my father was motionless on the floor, police were everywhere and everything turned red as I screamed bloody murder at his dead body, something of "I knew you shouldn't have smoked daddy!" Or something. My mother had smoked as did my father so her demise was by its poison. It infected her lungs and she died in a hospital with no one around. All I remember of my grandmother telling me about her death was that, where would me and my brother go? We had no one. But here I am today, living with them still. I wonder when they finally reach their days where we will go? When will the last thread be cut? This poem has taken that last precious thread and weaved it new, thank you.

  • Gary by Gary, England
  • 12 years ago

I lost my father just 12 months ago to COPD it was such a sudden thing, well I say sudden it happened within a six week period. There is not a day goes by that I don't miss him, the pain is still there but so are the memories, he brought me up on his own and instilled in me all the values and qualities he possessed, to me he was the greatest man ever.

  • Abhijit Mukherjee by Abhijit Mukherjee, India
  • 12 years ago

My Father just passed away on 21st July 2012. While I write passed away I can't believe myself as till yesterday I couldn't write these words for my Father. Whatever my Father has preached I feel is much above what any saint has preached as he has guided me through tough times all by his experiences of life.
Today I relive all that he has taught and I vow to do all good things that he has taught and told

  • Alyssa by Alyssa, Wilmer
  • 12 years ago

I just recently lost my dad almost a month ago, he suffered with cancer for 2 and a half years, I sat there and watched him suffer and it hurt me to see him letting go but I know that God has him in a safe place being my guardian angel, and God has showed me a lot the past 2 and a half years. I learned how to be a lot stronger and I just want everyone to know who is going through something rough they're not alone even know it feels like it sometimes .

  • Jaydene Hermanus by Jaydene Hermanus
  • 12 years ago

My dad died when I was 9 years old and it was unexpected. I sill have nightmares I wish that when I find the killer that I could kill him and cut him up in pieces.

  • Rebecca by Rebecca, Kansas City
  • 12 years ago

This poem was written just as if I had written it. It's truly a poem about my Dad. I lost my Dad 17 years ago and I think of him everyday. I will remember him always in my heart. Thanks for a beautiful poem!

  • Caitriona by Caitriona
  • 12 years ago

I lost my dad when I was nine it was just five days after my birthday. My whole family knew he was going to die except me! I was so young and couldn't understand why he was taken from me. Now I'm older and realize God only takes the best and my dad was the best dad in the world. He was always there for me, thought of me so much and cared for my family. I will never forget him and I will always love him I hope some day we will be together again as one big happy family just like we were before he left us. R.I.P dad I love you <3

  • Kingston Ontario Canada by Kingston Ontario Canada
  • 12 years ago

I lost my mom 3 years and six months ago today who I miss very much and a dear friend two months ago today. Who thought a battle with cancer most of his life he was only 25 years old . I miss you mom and Adrian you were a dear friend I will always remember you love you bud

  • Margarita by Margarita, Perris
  • 12 years ago

I loved this poem. I lost my dad a week before my birthday, I was on my way to see him when they told me he had passed away I was 16, I'm 18 now and the pain doesn't really go away. The feeling, it's indescribable to be honest. I try putting it aside, forgetting about it, but you really can't. While at work I was looking for a gift for father's day when I stopped on my tracks and realized he's been gone for almost two years. I hope through the years things get better and I stop missing him so much. Reading this poem made me realize that he really is in better hands, thank you.

  • Ashleigh by Ashleigh
  • 12 years ago

I lost my dad when I was 4 and now I'm 11 that poem has really touched me .

  • Sandy by Sandy, Everett
  • 12 years ago

I loved your poem and cried trying to read it to my hubby. I lost my dad almost 6 months ago. After getting into a griefshare group, I learned about the grieving process and how to go thru it with Jesus. I am not avoiding the process, but giving my hurts to Jesus and relying on Him each day to heal me. It is painful, but I do know He is there and He comforts me when others don't know what to say or do. Your poem was perfect for Father's day as I feel the freshness of the loss of my dad. But I am so thankful for the time with him and the memories he left with us!

  • Chloe by Chloe, New York
  • 12 years ago

I was only 16 when I lost my partner last summer. We were both in a serious car accident and unfortunately he had passed away. I'm still grieving as I wasn't able to make his funeral as I was in hospital for 11 weeks. This is a wonderful poem and it has helped me. Thanks for this poem it has helped me xx

  • Iryl D.R. by Iryl D.R.
  • 12 years ago

I lost my dad last April 11,2012 due to heart attack. I feel so sad because I didn't get the chance to see him for the last chance because I'm here in CA and has an immigration problem. It was so heartbreaking for me it was a sudden death. I miss dad so much. He taught me so many things. He is the best dad in the world for me. I am so thankful to the Lord because He continues to comfort me and using so many people to comfort me. God is faithful and awesome. He is my comforter and my shield. To you my beloved Dade I love you so much and I want you to know that you have been a blessing to many people. You have touched their lives in so many ways. I love you so much Dad.

  • Thomasina                           Bronx by Thomasina Bronx
  • 13 years ago

Today marks the 1 year anniversary of a very close friend of many who was killed for nothing. He had a wife and kids that are left behind to live life without him. Today it feels like he was taking from us all over again. Even though he is gone, we still have him close to our hearts. He was a star to many and loved by all. We must stop taking like for granted and live it like it is our last because we're not promised tomorrow. Were only here for now because God allowed us to be. But when he's ready for us to come home, he'll let us know. So please always remember to tell your love one that you love them every day and never go to bed upset with anyone cuz you never know if that will be the last thing you say or do when it either yours or that persons time to go. So whomever is reading this, I may not know you but I love you anyway. Have a bless day and many more to come.

Thanks for this poem. It hit me where I needed it to.

  • Danielle Pacheco by Danielle Pacheco
  • 13 years ago

My brother was 27 years old. He was my baby brother. We were like twins. Yes, we fought and teased each other but we loved each other. I will always remember all the special memories I have of him. He died while he was at work. He was very special person to me and his family. He will always be loved and missed very much.
Thank you very much for this poems they mean so much to so many people

  • Megan Pearson by Megan Pearson
  • 13 years ago

I have just turned 13 and I never knew my daddy as my mum and him split up when I was just a baby. I wish I knew him before he died. This poem was so nice, Thank you xxx

  • Doreen Pluckrpse by Doreen Pluckrpse
  • 13 years ago

My dad died on the 11th Feb 2012, I am going to miss him dearly. He suffered for a few years not being able to walk and with his dementia. Dad you are at peace now and this is not the end. I will see you again when my time comes. I love you dad with all my heart. Your loving daughter Doreen xxxx

  • Ray by Ray, South Africa
  • 13 years ago

My dad passed away a week before Christmas and that broke my heart, feeling normal is the thing of the past for me. I can't sleep without thinking about him. It's like he never went away maybe it never got to me as yet finding myself lost in this world my dad was my friend and someone I could speak to about anything . Yes I love your poem but I loved my dad more and finding it hard to accept the fact that he is gone I love you father and pray that you are watching over me everyday
Thank you for sharing this poem with us

  • Alan by Alan, West Kilbride
  • 13 years ago

Hi we lost Mum in October and this poem speaks to us very well, looking to use the last two lines as an inscription on her headstone

thank you

  • Retta by Retta, Illinois
  • 13 years ago

Hello Rose. Very beautiful poem. I was not raised by my mother or father. However, my mom who passed about six years ago and my dad who just passed today, I will always love dearly. The bible says that we should honor our mothers and fathers, you reminded us that we will always have our loved ones in our hearts. Thank you.

  • Shirley by Shirley, Scotland
  • 13 years ago

I lost my dear dad 2 years ago and I find everytime I go to visit his grave I can't get past the bridge without breaking down, I blame this on my having to keep my grief in to be strong for my mum and the rest of the family, I find peace in reading the poems dedicated to dads. Thank You

  • Verona Richards by Verona Richards
  • 13 years ago

I lost my dad 8 days ago. His death have been a shock to his entire family and friends. My dad was the best without question. The pain of losing my dad will never be forgotten. My dad will forever be in my thoughts. My dad means the world to me. He was loving, caring and always take timeout to listen. Dad always had a beautiful smile and was always willing to give a helping hand. You are one in a million dad and you are now celebrating in your mansion in heaven.

  • Pat by Pat, Tenn.
  • 13 years ago

I lost my father 6 yrs. ago. I lost my husband of 42 yrs. on Nov. 20 2009 suddenly from a blood clot that ruptured on the brain & 4 months later lost my mother. I love your poem it is so true they are always in my memories. I am so glad I came across it. I miss my mom & Dad but I miss the love of my life the most.

  • Rodger by Rodger, Holland
  • 13 years ago

I lost my dad to cancer on the 25th October 2011, In the last 6 weeks, I have come to know my dad in a special way and this poem will always remind me of him, thank you for such a wonderful poem

  • Neema Chamroo by Neema Chamroo
  • 13 years ago

I lost my father-in-law on 29/09/2011. It was a shock for us as he was fine but suddenly fell sick and passed away. This changed our life as if his death has stopped life but life continues and this poem is so true as he is and will always be in our memories and we'll live with all the beautiful memories of him. God will surely give him a good path as he was someone too good.

  • Mikila by Mikila
  • 13 years ago

I lost my dad 3 years ago in November it's really hard especially as your dad is always the closest you have. I miss him so much this poem makes me think of him everyday thank you so much and sorry everyone for your losses I know what you're all going through x

  • Yellowknife by Yellowknife, NWT
  • 13 years ago

I loss my dad 2 weeks ago and I keep thinking that I'm going to wake up and this will be one big nightmare. I loss my dad to a brain tumor, he was 61 years old. We had so many plans but god had a different plan for my dad. I have to keep smiling because when I think of my dad that's what he's doing.

  • Jessica by Jessica, Ohio
  • 13 years ago

I lost my big brother on May 4, 2006... this time of the year every year is still very hard on our family... I came across your poem and it definitely touched my heart, thank you.

  • Latisha by Latisha, Croydon
  • 14 years ago

2 years tomorrow I lost my dad to cancer, every year we buy Chinese lanterns and write our own message on them and let them go, it is so nice as you watch them float up and up into the stars, I loved this poem it touched me so I wrote it on my lantern which all our friends and family will be letting go tonight at our memorial for dad,,, thank you x

  • Maria by Maria, Ct
  • 14 years ago

Your poem brought comfort to me in my time of mourning. It says everything I feel. I lost a friend who is much older than I, he was 94 years old and the same age as my dad who died 6 years ago. My 94 year old friend was alone in a nursing home and incapacitated from a stroke, he was also on dialysis. He had two sons one who died in his 20's and one who was alive and well & his power of attorney but would only visit every three to four weeks for 10 minutes. I knew him for eight months and I became probably his one and only friend and would visit for hours several times a week always. Your poem really touched me when he passed especially the part that I must always remember that God has you in his keeping and we will always have you in our heart. Thank you.

  • Sonia by Sonia, East Sussex
  • 14 years ago

I have lost two wonderful friends in the last two years, I has really helped reading this poem. I also lost my grandad and an old friend within three years. Thank you for this lovely poem.

  • Gainesville by Gainesville
  • 14 years ago

On this day a year ago my father passed away. It has been a very difficult year for my family. We are slowly mending. I truly love your poem it expresses exactly how I feel. I want to read and share this with my family and friends. Thank you!!

  • Leigh by Leigh
  • 14 years ago

My granny pasted away Monday it is horrible I read this at her funeral and touched a lot of peoples hearts..... I really miss her by the way I am 11 years old...........

  • Alex by Alex, Redhill
  • 14 years ago

My father (step father) was taken from us through his own choice, as sudden as it was there was no mistaking why, I never got to mentally bond with him until I began to understand this. the way he acted and the way he was all clicked after remembering bits of our past and his. He is in such a better place now but we miss him more than the world itself, he was a powerful icon to myself and my siblings, he taught me the values of presentation, respect and honesty, all of which have sent me through life sailing. I might not be the brightest button in the box but he saw potential and stuck with that, building me into the man I am today. I just want to thank him for all the long hours and what I can only describe as "slavery!" he put in just to keep us kids happy. he was the best person a boy could ever wish to have as a step dad, but the ultimate father to a man who loves him because he was. xxx

  • Shanika by Shanika
  • 14 years ago

My friend Jessica died in Feb. 2010, and my class and I are going to do an assembly about her and this, I think, is a good enough poem for me.

  • Cookie by Cookie
  • 14 years ago

I lost my grandpa when I was only five. It hurts me so sad to see all of my friends with their grandpas and me with nothing. I just wish I could have him back because he gave the best hugs ever and now I don't know what that feels like anymore

  • Rick Burton by Rick Burton, Alabama
  • 15 years ago

Great poem to remember the best dad a guy could ever have! Gone since '03, he was my "Rock", my best friend and buddy. He lived everyday to the fullest with so much love. With only an 8th grade education, he could answer any question or handle any problem with perfection. It's so strange that our country's leaders have such a hard time of doing that today. I look forward to being re-united with my dad in Heaven some day.

  • Dawn by Dawn
  • 15 years ago

My friends father started his cancer treatment on Tuesday 10 November and died less than 24 hours later........
I wanted a poem that said all I wanted to and this poem is perfect.
Thank you so much

  • Maddy by Maddy
  • 15 years ago

This poem is so lovely I've read it 5 times over & over. I lost my uncle about 3 months ago now & yet it feels like yesterday.

  • Annette by Annette
  • 15 years ago

My family and I recently lost my father 3 days ago to cancer. I am going to have my sister in law read this poem at his funeral. This poem really touch my heart.

  • Danika by Danika
  • 15 years ago

My father passed away yesterday morning and I was looking for some up lifting inspiration and I found it here in this poem. I am grateful for this poem because it takes the words right out my mouth on how I feel about my father., I was a true Daddy's Girl!

  • Cynthia by Cynthia
  • 15 years ago

May 5th, 2008. Cinco de Maio. Leticia's 12th birthday. My friend and colleague, Linda was all excited about celebrating her daughter's that night. After school, Leticia raced downstairs to our classroom and couldn't wait to get her party started. When Leticia ran into the house that afternoon, calling out to her Dad, she found him in the dining room, on the floor, by the treadmill. Dominique was 57.

I am sending this poem to Leticia and Linda. They will be going to Florida to find a way to celebrate her 13th birthday.

Thank- you for this poem. Having lost my dad when I was 43, I feel fortunate to have had him so long compared to those I read about this morning. My dad is always near and for that I am grateful.

  • Ranja by Ranja
  • 15 years ago

Your poem is very amazing. I lost my Mum 2yrs ago & my Dad 1yr ago. I think about them everyday and say goodnight to the stars each night. I am so afraid of being apart from them but your poem reminder me that they are with me forever until we meet again. Thank you...xx

  • sarah by sarah
  • 15 years ago

I'm 14 years old ..I lost my dad when I was almost 8 years old ....I really miss him a lot & I can't stop thinking about him !!!! I loved him a lot ...and whenever something good happen...I remember him & wish that he could be here with me to see how happy I am & then start I crying..........he never left me ...I can feel it ...and whenever I feel like talking to him ...I just talk ...and I believe that he is listening to me ....and when I read your poem .....I just ....I don't know ....anyway thanks a lot ....really ...thanks

  • kaitlin by kaitlin
  • 15 years ago

I love this poem. I lost my dad when I was almost 10, he got ran over by a dump truck on his construction job and I've gone thru A LOT since then. I'm 15 now but things are still hard here and there.

  • Charlotte by Charlotte
  • 15 years ago

I am 12 and my dad died yesterday at 3:00am. My mum said if I wanted to I could read out a poem at his funeral next Wednesday I chose this poem. Thank you so much to who wrote it. It's really really nice.

  • Colin Klingemann by Colin Klingemann
  • 15 years ago

My step-dad died 7 years ago, I never knew my real dad, so my step-dad was the next best thing, I looked up to him, idolized him, wanted to be just like him. My Dad was the world to me, this poem has toughed me deeply, thanks you.

  • Caroline by Caroline
  • 16 years ago

I loved this. My father passed away when I was six years old. So it means a whole lot. Thank You

  • jessica by jessica
  • 16 years ago

I last my aunt 5 years ago this year she was very close to me and there is not a day that goes by that I don't think about her and wish she was still here with me

  • Nikky by Nikky
  • 16 years ago

We lost our dad a year ago and it still seems like only yesterday. Your poem has touch my heart and I can really relate to your thoughts and feelings.

  • Nicole by Nicole
  • 16 years ago

Wonderful! I just lost my Pap this past Sunday 3/1/09. We had 3 weeks with him after the diagnosis of lung cancer that had already moved to his liver and bones. Thank you.

  • Leona Merasty by Leona Merasty
  • 16 years ago

We recently lost our loved one, she took her own life. I found your poem soo true to us so we used it in our cards we made for her. Thank you.

  • Rachel by Rachel
  • 16 years ago

this is a wonderful poem for all that have lost someone close to them. I lost my dad two years ago to cancer when I was 14 and this poem reminds me that although he is gone, we will meet again

  • Jill Charlebois by Jill Charlebois
  • 16 years ago

I lost my sister Ann a year and a half ago due to heart problems and I just wanted to let you know how much your poem has touched me. Ann was my only sibling and the poem helped me to remember that she is not really gone, she is always with me. Your poem has brought me comfort and I am so grateful to you for that. Every day is hard, so even the littlest things that can bring peace are invaluable. Thank you so much. God bless.

- Jill Charlebois

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