Goodbye Friend Poem

Poem About Friend Leaving The Country

This poem was inspired by a very good friend, Nathanael, who was leaving the country. He will surely be missed...

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My best friend is leaving me and going away. Her absence makes me feel alone because the valuable days we spent are memorable and unforgettable. However, change is an unavoidable circumstance...

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Goodbye, My Dearest Friend

© more by Leilani Hermosa Petersen

Published by Family Friend Poems September 2008 with permission of the Author.

The hardest part of any friendship
is when it is time to say goodbye,
and even though I wished I could make you stay,
I know I have to let you spread your wings and fly.

For life is a journey that needs to be traveled,
and I am certain you'll make it through.
I just want you to know and never forget
that I will surely miss you.

So follow your heart and never give up,
as dreams and wishes do come true.
I know that someday we'll meet again,
so never forget I will be praying for you.


more by Leilani Hermosa Petersen

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Astrid C. W. by Astrid C. W., Canada
  • 5 years ago

My best friend had to move from Canada to India because of her dad's job. I really miss her, and this poem really resonated with me.

  • Muskaan by Muskaan
  • 4 years ago

I'm from India too. My friend had to leave for Texas due to her dad's job. We chatted sometimes but then lost touch. But don't worry and feel disheartened because your friend left. Just think of all the time you spent with him/her. I do the same and trust me, it feels better.

  • 6 years ago

My best friend is leaving me and going away. Her absence makes me feel alone because the valuable days we spent are memorable and unforgettable. However, change is an unavoidable circumstance in life. There are many ways to communicate. Nobody knows that mountains, rivers, oceans, or anything else can’t divide us because our hearts are one.

  • Dora Estrada by Dora Estrada, California
  • 10 years ago

First two of my friends told me that they were leaving and the time we got to spend together was fun. We would take pictures and go eat somewhere. There is this one friend that told me yesterday October 24, 2014 that she was leaving. I will really miss her because now that she is leaving I will have no one to talk with. In math and to work together nor laugh and I won't have no one to work with in Spanish and later copy the work she did and she copy mine. I hate that the time has come to say goodbye. I don't want her to leave but there's nothing I can do. I will miss her the time we spend together. I am going to hold onto those memories because you will always be in my heart doesn't matter where life takes us what matters is that I will be here for You, Sandra we will miss you. Goodbye dear friend.

  • Priscilla by Priscilla, Britain
  • 11 years ago

My best friend recently wrote me this poem as a goodbye present. So when I read it I think about her.

  • Prerna by Prerna, Australia
  • 11 years ago

My friend and I are going to different secondaries at the end of this year. It's so depressing because there are few people who I enjoy being around, I will really really miss her. I only knew her for about 2 years but during that time we had some great memories, I will really miss that girl!!! Why do the best things always end?

  • Esmael by Esmael, Asmara
  • 11 years ago

Me and salah were so close, starting from the primary school times up to college level. we always tried to encourage each other. The life we have passed was not that much simple; because our country was suffering from starvation and it was not simple for most of the guys to stay at home. All our class mates have fled abroad but me and my friend we chose to stay till we complete our studies.........after that was the story

  • Kairi by Kairi, Buffalo NY
  • 12 years ago

Me and this boy I knew grew up together and we did everything together I was very close to him and him to me. As we grew up I developed feelings but would have never said a word I think he knew anyway. We eventually hit high school he choose popularity over me because I was different I should have said something. Sometimes I blame myself for not fighting for our friendship I fought but not enough I guess and he left me we never spoke again. I sank into a deep depression that took me a long time to get over till this day I cry because no one knew me like he did and I lost my best friend if I had the chance to talk to him again I would tell him how much I love him in a friend sense and miss his companionship. I also would let him know he has left a scar that will never heal.

  • Annabeth.Winter by Annabeth.Winter, Canada
  • 12 years ago

My best friend and I were the closest, then anyone could ever imagine. We were closer then family I would say. My dad had decided he wanted to start his life fresh, and new. And he said the only way to do that is to move, and we had to all pick a place to move, my 2 older sisters had both said England, or Paris (We spoke French all the time). I thought both of the idea's were dumb. My older brother said "Lets move to Spokane." As soon as I heard that I was thinking, a new place wouldn't be so bad. But I still wouldn't budge. As moving say came. Me and my best friend hugged for 20 minutes, not even talking. Then she gave me a heart shaped necklace, and there was only a half. And on my side it said Never, and on hers it said forget me. And I was so happy cause I had always wanted that. I hoped into the car, and drove off to the airport...

  • Devin Abromeit by Devin Abromeit, Colorado Springs
  • 12 years ago

It was a Saturday, my last day in California. Me and my girlfriend decided to stay with each other for the night. We were 16 at the time so needless to say our options were limited. We both agreed to a long distance relationship... It lasted two weeks. We've been together for about three years so we decided to remain best friends, seeing as a relationship was out of the question until HS is over. So we both agreed that we would try again after. Now, we are both HS graduates, and I'm going off to the Marines. I quickly pack my bags and head off to LA, before I go to boot. We meet up and start talking - expressing how much we missed each other. Now I made an extra stop to the jewelry store to get something special. Just as I was going to ask for her hand, she tells me she's engaged. She told me before I could get the ring out of my pocket. Now I'm deploying, she has no idea I was going to propose. I intend to tell her.. when I say farewell to a friend.

  • Emma.England by Emma.England
  • 13 years ago

My sister has left for Australia today and me and my other sister have not stopped crying all day. We were bestfriend all three of us. I can't believe she is actually gone we had a photo shoot this morning the three of us together and the photographer had the radio on and I'll stand by you came on and we hugged each other and cried. xxxxxxx

  • Mitchie by Mitchie
  • 14 years ago best friend was very sad..he always thinks that I wanted to leave him..soo I use this poem to make him feel better..he is a really true best friend and it's already 5 years we were best friend..since I was 8 years old..=)..
I hope he likes it

  • Nnaniki by Nnaniki
  • 14 years ago

My boyfriend has moved to UK to continue his studies. so I thought this poem suit him perfectly.

  • camajaria lanea by camajaria lanea
  • 15 years ago

my friend is actually moving this Friday so I was looking for a poem to give to him cause we are making him a note book and all of his friends will sign so I thought that was cool
well bye

  • amber peters by amber peters
  • 15 years ago

This is true in my case my best friend is leaving to new York and not coming back I am 14 and we've been together since kindergarten. So 9 years together. its pretty hard and I will miss her terribly but I have to let her dreams follow her and let her go. Goodbye my dearest friend Laura!

  • Ruth Cabutin by Ruth Cabutin
  • 16 years ago

It always happened to me, almost my special friends leaved the Philippines for a better future in the other country I cannot blame them but I really hate saying goodbye always. But now I accept the reality that when you love someone you must also learn to say goodbye

  • Kikly Zalavarria by Kikly Zalavarria
  • 16 years ago

I recently graduated from high school and I miss all my friends. I definitely would say that goodbye is the hardest thing to say, and especially when you have shared most of your life with your friends.

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