Father Poem

The poem is sharing the praise of a father who does not sing his own praises. Therefore, others sing his.

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I was born blind. I, like my father, had congenital (at birth) bilateral (both sides) cataracts. My vision was far worse than dad's though. My dad was always there (along with my mom) to...

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Silent, Strong Dad


Published by Family Friend Poems November 2006 with permission of the Author.

He never looks for praises.
He's never one to boast.
He just goes on quietly working
For those he loves the most.
His dreams are seldom spoken.
His wants are very few,
And most of the time his worries
Will go unspoken, too.
He's there...a firm foundation
Through all our storms of life,
A sturdy hand to hold onto
In times of stress and strife.
A true friend we can turn to
When times are good or bad.
One of our greatest blessings,
The man that we call Dad.


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  • Rating 4.50
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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Val8673 by Val8673
  • 2 years ago

Thank you very much! My dad really loved this poem, and so I made it a very nice last birthday. He actually has cancer, and he felt a little warm and nice after reading it. It was a month ago this happened, and he beat cancer, and now he is struggling with tonsils, but I know now he can even beat death.

  • Amy Reay by Amy Reay
  • 3 years ago

I was born blind. I, like my father, had congenital (at birth) bilateral (both sides) cataracts. My vision was far worse than dad's though. My dad was always there (along with my mom) to cheer me along. He showed by example that the only limits we have are self-placed. I knew he understood my struggles. He and I sang and danced together and were a team in caring for my mom through her death from cancer when I was 18. He was my hero. He was HIGHLY educated, sang beautifully and could play any instrument instantly like a pro. I didn't see him much the last 20 years of his life. He was in MN & I in OR and was busy with my husband & 5 kids and couldn't afford to fly back and forth. I talked to him every Sat except for the last one. (Kid drama). Early Sun am the call came that he'd died in his sleep. I miss him and am so thankful I had him. He showed me what a real man was, and how he treated others taught me about life, God, and unconditional love. I was daddy's girl.

  • Deborah M. Figueira by Deborah M. Figueira, Toronto
  • 4 years ago

I loved this poem because it is so fitting. My dad was always cheerful and never complained about how hard he worked to support his family. He never asked for anything and was generous to a fault. If he was in pain, others would not know because he'd never complain. He was truly a gift and the best daddy. We were the lucky ones who had the pleasure of knowing and having him in our lives. I miss him every day and talk to him every night.

  • Patricia Leach by Patricia Leach
  • 7 years ago

This poem is so PERFECT for my Dad who just passed away. I changed some of the words to the past tense, but my Mom used it for my Daddy's service with a note that said it was an adaptation of the poem by Karen K. Boyer. Thank you, Karen Boyer!!!

  • Baanu Jeevanba by Baanu Jeevanba
  • 8 years ago

This poem is just so perfect for my dad and I am so thankful that you shared this.

  • Susi  Garland by Susi Garland
  • 9 years ago

Your poem says it all about my Dad.
With a few minor changes I would like to use it at my Dad's funeral.
It touches the heart.
Thank you.

  • Eoin Boyce by Eoin Boyce, Ireland
  • 9 years ago

My father died the other day and I was tasked with giving the eulogy. Dad was exactly as described in this poem so bar a few words leading into it, I read this poem.
Touched a lot of people in the church.

  • Chaddampuram Krithiamma by Chaddampuram Krithiamma, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
  • 9 years ago

This poem is beautiful! I am going to send my father a photo album and this poem is going to be a part of it! I am grateful to familyfriendpoems.com for this!!

  • Mary M. Aberdeen by Mary M. Aberdeen, Wa
  • 10 years ago

The poem titled "Silent Strong Dad" really touched a place in my heart. It was like it was written just for my dad - he's the strongest, hardest worker I know! He recently broke both wrists and despite doctors orders he was back to work shortly after as a general contractor! He's an amazing man and I'm going to give him this poem so he knows how much my sisters and I appreciate his hard work and dedication! He's a heck of a man!!!!

  • Sabine by Sabine, USA
  • 10 years ago

Reading this poem reminds me of my father-in-law. He passed away one year ago and was exactly as the poem describes!
Life had so many challenges for him that he overcame because of his love for his family.
Rest in peace, Cliff and after that go and finally enjoy yourself!

  • Rebecca by Rebecca, Ireland
  • 11 years ago

My Dad, Still alive, Is always working SO hard for us. Were not getting much money,and its getting worse. I don't see him a lot because he works a lot. He goes to one job, then straight to another right after.. I don't tell him a lot but he is my hero-and always will be ‹3

  • Laura by Laura, Florida
  • 11 years ago

I took this poem and transferred it to a piece of wood and gave it to my husband for fathers day. That was the second time I have ever saw him cry, the first time was when he read his vows to me (not including the tears of joy when our boys were born). It is very beautiful and I did not take credit for it. Thank you for such a lovely poem.

  • Dale by Dale, Manchetser
  • 12 years ago

My dad was diagnosed with Lung Cancer a year ago. After eight months of chemo and radiotherapy, he was given the all clear. This week he has been told that the cancer has come back but this time in his spine. My dad has always been my hero and the strongest man I've ever known. Seeing him cry for the first time ever has hit me hard and I have been praying, every moment since I got the news, that he will be fine. It's hard to see my dad in this condition. This poem sums up my dad to me..

  • Sacoya Turner by Sacoya Turner, Williamstown
  • 12 years ago

My dad died suddenly on Saturday morning. It hurts so much. I saw him a week ago, we went to the movies together and I just can't believe that he is gone. I cried so much and the pain is agonizing but now I have felt the peace of God over me and now I know he is with God now. God had better plans for him.

  • Michelle by Michelle
  • 12 years ago

My dad passed away, he had a terrible accident, last week its still so painful I cried reading this as it describes my dad. I love my dad forever.

  • Brittany by Brittany, Nashville
  • 13 years ago

Wow! I have a 4 year old little girl...and my husband will be going to jail (not for sure how long) for probably at least a year or 2. And every night, she wants to sleep with her daddy, if he has to work a night shift at his job, she cries herself to sleep because she says she misses him. It breaks my heart every time!!! How am I supposed to explain why her daddy's going to be gone so long? And why he can't come hone for the night? It really hurts!! But thanks you guys for letting me share my story! ;))

  • Nashvillie by Nashvillie, TN
  • 13 years ago

Why I love this poem because I hardly see my dad I only see him once a week and that makes me sad but still this is a blessing poem I just read because this story just made my day the memories me and my dad had. :D

  • Asmi by Asmi, Bangalore India
  • 13 years ago

He's the most admirable man...I may ever know!
He's soft but...strong!
And his heart is crystal clear!...
love him the most in the world!
I love you daddy! <3

  • Jen by Jen, Florida
  • 13 years ago

My father passed away and it will be a month today June 17th of 2011. And I am just trying to find some poems that described my dad and my feelings that I'm having. It is so hard I can't believe it, it was so sudden, and it was hard because I had to do CPR until the EMTS showed up. He was not responsive but a few seconds before the EMTS showed up, my dad opened his eyes and tried with all his might to say something to me but couldn't and I have to live with that for the rest of my life.

  • Grieving Child by Grieving Child
  • 9 years ago

Thank you for sharing - my mother passed away very suddenly as well, from a hemorrhagic stroke, in November of the same year. One moment, we were chatting away and then the next, she was gone....There will always be a hole in my heart that will never be filled, but we can take comfort in knowing that our parents are in a better place.

  • Wa Olymipa by Wa Olymipa
  • 14 years ago

My dad loved this story and he hugged me and told me he loved me so awesome that's the first time I got a hug from my daddy!!!!!!!!

  • Thomas S Wertheim by Thomas S Wertheim
  • 14 years ago

Memories are my lifeline to the past, and the man that I shall always remember was my Dad, and to him I shall and will always give thanks, as he was responsible in so many ways, to have shaped my future, to be responsible in life, in all I do, and to treat my fellow human beings with respect.

  • Linda by Linda, Astoria NY
  • 14 years ago

My husband's father died a week and half ago. He was 85 years, had suffered from Parkinson's for years. But he was head-strong, good appetite and humorous. Although he had divorced Jim's mother when Jim was about 7-8, he tried to keep the relationship going.

A massive heart-attack took him, and because of the suddenness of it, that's what hurts the most. We're always thinking of why didn't I get to see him one last time! Thanks to God for the times my husband shared with his father, John Silverberg!

  • Leda Parrish by Leda Parrish
  • 14 years ago

My father passed away in 1989 while in the hospital having some tests done. I never got to say good-bye and I still miss him very much. This poem describes my dad completely. Thank you and I hope you don't mind if I share this with the rest of the world.

  • Nelly by Nelly, Birmingham
  • 14 years ago

Yes, this story has touched me because our family is going through a bit of a rough patch right now and without my father we would be completely lost.
My father does A LOT for the family unknowingly and never boasts.

Without him I would be no one in the world. He is the person I am living my life for and sincerely hope that one day I can make him proud...

Love you Dad, even though I never tell you that! :P xxx

  • Shirley cockburn by Shirley cockburn
  • 15 years ago

My dad passed away. It is his funeral tomorrow. I have been trying to write something myself to sum up exactly what he was. I have just stumbled across this poem and we will be using it tomorrow. Thank you very much, the poem is beautiful.

  • Deborah Kelly by Deborah Kelly
  • 16 years ago

My father passed away very suddenly over the weekend. We will be laying him to rest tomorrow. I wanted to find something that describes the man my father was, and this poem seems to be written for him. It will be a very beautiful tribute to read at his service. Thank you for putting my thoughts and words into form for me.

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