Poems That Grip The Heart

Published: October 2020

Relatable Poems That Will Make You Feel Understood

Many people feel alone in hard times, and these poems will grip your heart and make you feel like someone has heard your cries.

Relatable Poems That Will Make You Feel Understood

1 - 14 of 14

  1. 1. Demons Of Darkness

    • By Olivia B
    • Published: September 2015

    in Depression Poems

    She stood on the bridge
    In silence and fear,
    For the demons of darkness
    Had driven her here.


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    This is such an inspiring poem. I am a seventh grader with depression and it is because of my loving boyfriend that I am still alive. Please, anyone who is depressed, know that there is...

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  2. 2. The True Meaning Of Life

    in Meaningful Poems

    The years have passed by
    In the blink of an eye,
    Moments of sadness
    And joy have flown by.


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    I couldn't have said it any better than Patricia Fleming. This is exactly how I feel. I've gone that route where I would buy things in the hope that I would feel better, however, it never...

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  4. 3. My Everything

    • By Dean Coombes
    • Published: February 2013

    in Sweet Love Poems

    You're my love, my life,
    The air that I breathe.
    You're my soul, my happiness,
    The all that I need.


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    • Poem of the Week
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    I loved a boy. I saw him and I had never felt it before. It was a lightning bolt through my heart and soul. His hands were warm, and his smile was warmer, and his kiss melted me. But he hurt...

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  5. 4. Nobody Knows

    in Hurting Poems

    Nobody knows it's empty,
    The smile that I wear.
    The real one is left behind in the past
    Because I left you there...


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    My girls left me for their dad and his wife. They felt they had to or they’d lose him. Kids are resilient? They just push it all down. It still wounds them. Who would think it would only...

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  7. 5. Not Good Enough

    • By Imza
    • Published: October 2009

    in Hurting Poems by Teens

    I help you through hard times, as you do for me,
    But you really don't know how much I hide.
    Even though we are the best of friends,
    I really don't think you can understand.


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    For a dad, it's really hard when you’re unable to heal her most precious heart. I read a poem so it can give me ideas on what else I need to say, but what can a dad do if his daughter is...

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  8. 6. The Boxes In The Hall

    • By Adrian Baillie
    • Published: December 2008

    in Goodbye Love Poems

    In every room of our time together there is a box
    Of memories we shared.
    Now is the time to pack away
    With sadness and with care.


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    I know that this poem is intended for divorce but when my father died my Mum wanted a poem that summed up her feelings. They had been separated for 25 years but they stayed married. Still...

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  9. 7. Can Anybody Hear Me?

    in Hurting Poems by Teens

    I want someone to hold me,
    But I'm the only one here.
    I want someone to listen to me,
    But I'm the only ear.


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    I've been the same way, but you are never alone. God is there for you, Your friends and family care, even if they don't know the best way to show it. People are there to help you; you just...

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  10. 8. We Wear The Mask

    Famous Poem

    in Famous Sad Poems

    We wear the mask that grins and lies,
    It hides our cheeks and shades our eyes,—
    This debt we pay to human guile;
    With torn and bleeding hearts we smile,


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    A wonderful poem Paul Laurence Dunbar wrote many years ago, after slavery was abolished.
    How it must have hurt to know his parents had been slaves...

    Imagine the pain that slavery...

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  11. 9. And The World Carries On

    in Short Poems

    The plates will still shift
    and the clouds will still spew.
    The sun will slowly rise
    and the moon will follow too.


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    This poem is really so good. I feel this poem; it's just amazing.

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  12. 10. Empty

    • By Hayley
    • Published: November 2011

    in Hurting Poems by Teens

    Her thoughts bob under the surface,
    Her lost dreams circling around her in clouds.
    Every fake smile, fake laugh,
    Only feeds the emptiness inside.


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    I'm not sure if I'm depressed. Sometimes I feel wrong saying I am. Only because nothing terribly bad has happened to me. I haven't been through a close relative dying, I haven't been scarred...

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  13. 11. False Identity

    • By Erin
    • Published: February 2016

    in School Poems

    I wish that you could see
    This scared girl inside of me.
    I'm not really as I seem.


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    When I first came into public school, I realized how cruel the world could be. This mask I've created is suffocating me! I can't breathe and the false life that I've created is holding me...

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  14. 12. Cracks

    in Betrayal Poems

    With her loneliness she couldn't cope,
    And so she tore us apart,
    Diminishing all hope;
    I should've seen this from the start...


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  15. 13. Wretched Monster

    • By Shattered Mirror
    • Published: September 2017

    in Depression Poems by Teens

    What should I say, how should I feel?
    Wretched Monster, tell me what's real.
    Can you not see you're causing problems?
    No matter what you do, you can't solve them.


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  16. 14. Untamed

    • By Caitlyn Collins
    • Published: June 2011

    in Poems about Teen Life

    Sitting in a corner, so scared and afraid,
    He's standing there yelling at me,
    and he's the one to blame.
    Marks across my face,


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