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in Boyfriend Poems
You keep running from the truth; you know it's true.
You think I am crazy for loving you.
I wish you could see the angel I see
You keep running from the truth; you know it's true.
You think I am crazy for loving you.
I wish you could see the angel I see
when you stand in front of me.
You think I am your best gift of all,
but I wish you could understand - without you, I stand 10 inches tall.
I never believed in the saying "opposites attract,"
but the second I met you, it became a proven fact.
I am cold as ice, while you're hot as fire.
As long as I live, you're my one and only desire.
You're not just my want but also my need.
You're like my personal drug; for you I plead.
I am the happiest person whenever you're near,
but the second you leave, I shed a lonely tear.
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This poem is one of its own. It's a true reflection of reality out here. It takes me back to the years I thought I found him when I had not. Relationships didn't last long until I found him....
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