By Candlelight
in Haiku
Yellow flame flickers
Shadows dance upon the wall
Love grows ever strong.
in Haiku
Yellow flame flickers
Shadows dance upon the wall
Love grows ever strong.
in Haiku
Crescent of colours
Arching high above our heads.
Sunshine brings us hope.
in Flower Poems
Pretty pink ballerinas
Dancing all in a row,
On thin, tenuous stems,
Such a beautiful show.
in Change Poems
I’m always amazed how
You stand so very tall,
How you never give in,
You bend but do not fall.
in Haiku
Aching heart and mind
Needs touch of a caring soul
Yearning company.
This poem touches me because I am currently in a very bad place...
I feel as though a good portion of my family has abandoned me, due to my recent actions...
I need to recognize that I am...