- Published: August 7, 2024
in Aging Poems
I wake up each day
On this journey of mine,
Grabbing each moment
Of my limited time.
I wake up each day
On this journey of mine,
Grabbing each moment
Of my limited time.
I don't try to hurry.
It isn't a race.
There's still much to do
In this vast, vibrant place.
But the road's been so rocky,
The rain damp and cold.
I can't cover much ground
When I'm feeling so old.
People dash by me
As if I'm not there.
In a hurry to no place,
In haste to nowhere.
My feet start to hurt.
Now I must stop and rest.
I feel my heart beating
So fast in my chest.
But I need to catch up
Or they'll leave me behind,
If my body gives out
Or I misplace my mind.
They don't seem to see
They're just chasing their ends
And each moment slighted
Will not come again.
The sun's finally shining.
The birds are in tune.
The Summer to Autumn
Will pass away soon.
Most days that I travel
I'm all on my own,
Just revisiting places
And people I've known.
Days may pass by,
I don't utter a word
My memories grow distant
My life's purpose more blurred.
Some gloomier days
I don't get out of bed,
But search for my epiphanies
In my sweet dreams instead.
But alas I keep going,
I just tarry along.
I tell all my stories
And sing some old songs
I still share my smile
When I think there's a need,
Be a friend and a confidante
To anyone who wants me.
Still I wake up each day
On this journey of mine
And I thank God for the gift
Of a little more time.
Some days are better
While Some days are worse
But there's still much to see
And new roads to traverse.
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I just love your work, as I've said so often before. I hate to think of you ever feeling down, as you do so much to lift up others with your writing. All the very best, Ann.
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