Mark Rickerby


About Mark Rickerby

Mark is a writer and singer living in Southern California. His latest project is a CD of 15 original songs celebrating children and parenting. Lyrics, melodies and vocals are by Mark Rickerby. Musical arrangements and performance are by Grammy-nominated composer, Rick Balentine. The release date is 2/1/11.

    Poems by Mark Rickerby

  • How We Survive

    • Published: August 2008

    in Grief Poems

    If we are fortunate,
    we are given a warning.

    If not,


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    • Rating 4.53
    Featured Shared Story

    Very few poems touch me the way this one has. You have managed to put into words the grieving process I went through when I lost my parents...most of all you have shown that there is a light...

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  • Mark Rickerby
  • 15 years ago


I'm sorry you lost your sister-in-law. The message in this poem is a very important one for grieving children. If they are able to grasp it, it should give them a lot of comfort. And they should be able to because, though the thoughts are profound, the poem is written in a way that's accessible to children. The fact that someone loves them enough to sit down and write this for them will also mean a lot. Well done.


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