Lyndell Muirhead


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    Poems by Lyndell Muirhead

  • "Never Give Up"

    I have written these words after finally breaking free from the end of dark depression and anxiety. I truly never believed I would rise finally, above the blackness of spiralling tunnels and quicksand, sucking me under, throughout too many years. I am now continuing on with my life, for the first time throughout too many wasted years. I am now able to me. And ME, just for myself. The emotional chains which encased and trapped me for so many years, have been broken, and are gone.

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    • Posted on 03/17/15

    in Courage Poems

    “Never Give Up”

    When things go wrong, as they sometimes will

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  • Harry And Molly (My Shoodle Puppies)

    When I was feeling very sad, for a very long time, my best friend convinced me to buy a little puppy. I had reservations but I did buy him. His name is Harry. He was 3 1/2 months old, Then by chance, I saw a little girl puppy, 3 months of age for sale on the internet. She is the spitting image of Harry but a lot smaller. I have had them now for 5 months and the love and unconditional acceptance I receive from both of them is priceless. My "house" is once more "home".

    (Edited poem)

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    • Posted on 02/20/15

    in Children Poems

    “Harry and Molly”

    I do not care at all about your muddy paw prints on the floor,

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  • An Unpredictable Life

    • Published: October 2014

    in Regret Poems

    I sit here now in darkness, living on my own,
    A life of existence, white walls, my home
    With rooms that sometimes resonated with laughter
    Saw also tears of much sadness, pain, suffering, and anger.


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  • My Personal Battle

    • Published: October 2014

    in Depression Poems

    Depression, my friend and yet you are my foe.
    You hold my hand through my tortuous times
    And sail with me through the wings of birds
    And the smell of leaves.


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    • Rating 4.36
    Featured Shared Story

    This poem said exactly how I feel. Thank you for writing it.

    Touched by the poem? Share your story! (1)


  • Lyndell Muirhead
  • 7 years ago

My best friend Wendy wrote a poem about our mutual friend, Lyndon, who died on September 25th 3 years ago. So sadly 1 year later, Wendy, my dearest and best friend, committed suicide. I have been left alone, and I miss both of them so much. The three of us shared such happy times together. Wendy and Lyndon, I love you both so very much, and I wish we were together again.

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  • Lyndell Muirhead
  • 10 years ago

Your sensitive words truly show your absolute understanding of what your friend was experiencing. You must have been the best of friends for you to have such an insight into depression and the painful ramifications, that, no matter how hard you try, it never leaves you. Depression at it's worse, we who suffer from this evil, constant invasion of our thoughts and our souls, would freely trade a limb just to be rid of the utter sadness, that is overwhelming and consuming our days, and nights. We do eventually become so tired, and absolutely worn out, from the battle of just trying to get through one day at a time. Your dear friend was so fortunate to have a friend like you.

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  • Lyndell Muirhead
  • 10 years ago

Your beautiful and heartfelt words, brought many tears to my eyes. Your Mum would be so proud of you. The pain you felt so badly during this very sad loss, you probably kept so much to yourself. Within your heart just for you. Your poem reflects what a beautiful human being you are. And your dear Mum would wish for you to get on with you life, to follow your dreams and to be happy. You have beautiful memories, and so does she. They will be in the purest part of your heart and soul, for the rest of your days. That special place that no one can ever take away from you. I also lost my beautiful Mum. She was very sick for too many years. It broke my heart when she passed away, into too many pieces. I thought I would never survive. I did, and have since lost all of my family members. The fairy tale stories read to us as children never prepare us for the actual realities of life. Love and loss. Hope and sadness. You have to keep going, and to pursue your dreams for yourself, and your Mum. She will always be there in spirit when you are sad, but will also be there to share your joys. Well done for writing such a heartfelt poem.

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  • Lyndell Muirhead
  • 10 years ago

I so understand how you feel. When I was only 11 years of age, I was swimming laps in the pool, and a young male swam underwater and grabbed me in my private parts. Although at the time I had no idea why he did that. I had absolutely no knowledge about "sex", etc. But for so long, that invasion of my body has stuck with me. Along with many other things I prefer not to talk about. Please try to get on with your life, and realize, so sadly I know, that it happens to so many of us when we are young. You have your whole life ahead of you and you will be successful in your determination to make your life better for yourself. Always be cautious and aware of others. And only trust people when they have proven to you that they can be trusted. Best wishes and keep going on! There are many dreams that you will fulfill, and some that will never come to fruition. Look after yourself for you, and nobody else. You only get one go at life. When you are young, you feel that you will never grow old. But you do. So make sure you do the best you can for you. And put the past behind you. As we have to do.

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  • Lyndell Muirhead
  • 10 years ago

I can relate to your words. I was an unplanned child, and when I was born I was transported to a "Children's Home" for the first 3 1/2 years of my life. I remember crying within the confines of a cold steel barred cot that I was placed into. I can still remember, even at such a young age, just wanting hugs and to feel I was loved. It didn't happen. To this day, so many years later, that is still something I have never felt. But we have to survive the best way we can. To nurture within ourselves a type of self esteem, confidence and belief that we can achieve our dreams, finally.

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